英文影评:返老还童(The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button)

发布时间:2022-11-20 19:13:33

Fable about a man who is born old and grows younger over time starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett and directed by David Fincher
We begin at the end. Daisy (Cate Blanchett) is on her deathbed, attended to by her daughter Caroline, played by Julia Ormond. In Daisy‘s bag, there is a diary that once belonged to Benjamin Button. She asks her daughter to read it, and Brad Pitt‘s narration takes us back to the night of Button‘s birth, the end of the First World War, when he emerged into the world a wizened old baby.

They say that short stories make the best films. Rudyard Kipling‘s ‘The Man Who Would Be King‘ barely covers three pages. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button was a short story by F Scott Fitzgerald, a great American writer whose tortured, beautiful, boozy novels have never made an easy transition to Hollywood cinema: not one of the three adaptations of ‘The Great Gatsby‘ are fondly remembered. From Fitzgerald‘s conceit of a man born old and growing younger with every passing year, director David Fincher, screenwriters Eric Roth and Robin Swicord, and the cast grow an epic film about life and death, regret and perfection.

Screenwriter Roth has been here before. His Forrest Gump was also a journey through the American century in the company of an extraordinary man with a simple heart. And like Gump, Benjamin Button has a host of Oscar nominations. Is it Gump 2? No. Death saves it from that fate.

After his birth, the wizened baby Button is abandoned by his father on the doorstep of an old people‘s home run by Queenie (Taraji P Henson). Queenie‘s difficulty in conceiving means she takes in the malformed infant on her doorstep without a second thought. The old people‘s home is the last stop on the way to the grave, a suitable setting for Benjamin‘s wrinkled childhood. People will always pass him by as he reverses along time‘s one-way street. Among the nearly dead, youth appears in the form of Daisy, the granddaughter of a resident who strikes up a friendship with

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