世界三大魔曲 (胆小勿进)

世界三大禁曲为 《忏魂曲》、《第十三双眼睛》和《黑色星期天》。由于歌曲中流露出慑人心魄的绝望神绪,所以听过这三首曲子的人都纷纷经受不了那曲子中忧伤的旋律,接受了上帝的邀请。其中尤其以《黑色星期天》最为著名。 忏悔曲 魔曲之《忏魂曲》 简介 是西方音乐史上的三大禁曲之一。作者为美国人,曲成而亡。本是赎罪的宗教曲,但据说听此曲子而自杀的人已达千人,所以又名为《恶魔曲》。 世界三大魔曲   (胆小勿进)


《忏魂曲》的曲作者是美国人,据说曲成之时即是他的忌日,一首看似悉数平常的宗教赎罪曲,却导致自杀者数以千计。故又被命名为《恶魔曲》。自杀者无外乎是最虔诚的教徒,他们向上帝忏悔自己的罪行的同时,又越发不堪忍受痛苦的现实生活给予自己的报应和惩罚,于是纷纷选择了结苦难的一生,教徒们相信天堂的存在,对上帝召回更是欣然接受。在《忏魂曲》歌声中,死亡不再可怕,它来得越早,就意味着解脱得越早,教徒们纷纷迫不及待的离开人间地狱、升入理想中的天堂…… 但是在天主教基督教等信仰上帝的宗教教义中,自杀是对上帝赋予的生命的一种亵渎,自杀者的灵魂无法升入天堂,所以对于“自杀者无外乎是最虔诚的教徒”以及“教徒们纷纷迫不及待的离开人间地狱、升入理想中的天堂”可能是后人杜撰的。 当下的人们 无法体会《忏魂曲》背后无数个逝去灵魂的心境,我们没能相继的了结生命,并不是因为心胸坦荡,在流淌着冰冷的眼泪的世界里,罪恶仍然充斥在周边的每个角落,只是我们感觉不到它们的存在,暗红色的心脏早已麻木。现在留下来的版本只是禁曲的五分之一。真正的版本早已不存在了,并且一首曲子怎么会有如此大的魔力呢? 忏魂曲歌词 嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂 一片破败景象,幽灵放荡歌唱、 黑色迷迭香绽放,藤蔓蜿蜒生长 灵魂张望,信仰血色的月光 嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂 长发的吸血女王推开尘封的窗 枯树枝影照她的脸庞,清纯如少女一样 她幽怨的声线与亡灵一起咏唱 心爱的人啊,你是否还记得我模样 我入葬的晚上,你是否一直悲伤 嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂 远处横陈的雕像,断臂隐藏在一旁 那是女神的狂想,用中指指示方向 红色的小花开在她的身旁,那是天堂 前面有一处深渊,小河淙淙流淌 鲜血一样的河水,灌溉嗜血的渴望 那是女王的汤盘,盛放变质的浓汤 她会掐断花的脖颈,问它是否哀伤 远方的爱人啊,是否记得我模样 我血流不止的时候,你是否一直悲伤 嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂 日与月璀璨消长,我却只能见到月亮 她有教人沉迷的味道,血红的浓郁和银白的清香 女王低声吟唱,断颈的小花躺在她的脚旁 它们喜欢阴冷的地方,隐藏在深渊枯树旁 每一个死寂的夜晚,聆听血液在地下隐秘的声响 它们喜欢诡异的咏唱和死灵的歌声一样 唱的是奢想的报复还是寥落的绝望 远去的爱人啊,你是否记得我模样 当我俯视我的葬礼的时候,为何没有碰上你的目光 嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂 那里的花是一个模样,都在静静的生长 如果没有静谧的月光,怎会如此阴凉 ` 破败的草地散发腐烂的幽香 美貌的精灵在宫殿秘密的徜徉 她们也在思念谁带着回忆的哀伤 藤曼葱郁缠绕,隐藏复仇欲望 等待那天到来,品尝血一样味道的汤 最爱的人啊,你是否也和我一样 等待爱的来临,我们被一起埋葬 嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂 生命肆意生长,暸望无尽忧伤 花朵低头歌唱,歌唱不死主张 拥有曼珠沙华的地方回忆一定在绽放 远去少年背影,嵌在含泪的眼眶 没人祝福的爱情不会因此灭亡 有人选择懦弱,有人决定坚强 蓝色忧郁的河流可否洗刷过往 亘古的约定,可否有人坚守不忘 软弱的借口和随意的敷衍,扼杀了一朵美丽的花 那美丽在等待中枯萎变成伤变成恨变成血腥的渴望 我要找到他无论他是否变了模样 我会记得他的眼神,曾经那样清透 我会记得他的誓言,曾经那样响亮 我会记得他的背叛,曾经那样让我离去的仓皇 他已经离去用我温柔又冰凉的掌 他会很幸福,因为没有了我的阻挡 我重新回到属于我的地方 因为爱,我放弃了自己又一次独自在阴暗徜徉 可怜的女王和她的花儿一样 . 最终选择独自喝下那一份血一样的汤 亲爱的人啊,不论你去向何方 请无意中想起你曾经美丽的新娘 爱情转入坟墓的瞬间,已经意味着消亡 一切的悲鸣,都是生者的自我感伤 英文歌词 Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall A run-down scene, the specter of debauchery singing, Black rosemary blooming vines meandering growth The soul looked, beliefs Scarlet moonlight Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall Long-haired vampire queen opened the dusty window The deadwood shadow as her face, pure, such as teenage Resentment of her voice, together with the souls of chant Loved one, you remember I look like I demeaning the night, you sad Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall Lounging on the statue in the distance, Brokeback hidden in the side That is the goddess of fantasy, with the middle finger to the direction of the Small red flowers in her side, it is a paradise In front of an abyss, the river murmuring flowing Blood, like the river, irrigation bloodthirsty desire It was the queen's soup plate, in full bloom deterioration soup She would cut off the neck of the flower, and asked whether it sad Distant lover, ah, you remember I look like I was bleeding, you sad Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall Sun and the moon shining growth and decline, but I can only see the moon She painfully addicted to the taste of blood-red full-bodied and silver fragrance Queen crooned broken neck flowers lying at her feet They like cold places, hidden in the abyss of dead tree Each of the dead of the night, listening to the blood in the secret underground sound They like strange chant and the Deathly Hallows singing Sing is the retaliation or sparse Shexiang despair Lover away, do you remember me look like Why did not run into your eyes when I looked down at my funeral Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall Flowers there is an appearance, in the quiet growth If there is no quiet moonlight How could such a cool ` The dilapidated grass distributing rotten fragrance Beautiful elves in the palace secret wander They also miss the grief who with memories Vine winding Man lush, hidden desire for revenge Waiting for the day to come, like the taste of the soup to taste blood Favorite people, ah, you and me Waiting for love to come, we were buried with Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall Life wanton growth, lookout endless sorrow The flowers bow singing, singing undead advocates Local memories must have lilies in bloom Away Juvenile backs, embedded in tearful orbital The love nobody blessing will not perish Some chose to cowardly, it was decided to be strong The blue melancholy river Can wash past Can someone stick did not forget everlasting agreement Weak excuses and casual perfunctory stifle a beautiful flower That beautiful wilt become hurt into hate waiting into a bloody desire I want to find him regardless of whether he has changed appearance I will remember the look in his eyes, once as perfectly clear I will remember his vows, once as loud I will remember his betrayal had so let me leave the panic He had left with my gentle cold palm He will be very happy, because I blocked I am back to where I belong Because of love, I gave up again alone in the dark wander The poor queen and her flowers. The final choice alone drank a blood soup Dear people, whether you're aiming for Inadvertently reminds you once beautiful bride Transferred to the moment of the grave of love, has come to mean the demise All lament, are the living, self-sentimental [1] 编辑本段第13双眼睛 魔曲之《第13双眼睛》 作品信息 《第十三双眼睛》相传起源于非洲的原始部族,是一首诡秘的音乐歌曲,作曲者的创作意图已不可考。

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