
发布时间:2019-08-27 18:53:26

        学游泳  今年暑假非常热,一天哥哥和我一起去游泳.  我们换过衣服后跳进游泳池。池里有许多人,我是多么想加入他们的行列啊!可我不会游泳,所以哥哥先教我如何划水和如何在水中换气,然后他在水中用胳膊托着我让我浮在水面上。然后我试着自己游,我游了一段才发现哥哥已不在身边了.我停下来,结果呛了一口水.哥哥游向我,说:"太棒了,你会游泳了。"那天我们一直游到游泳池关门才极不情愿地离开。  learn to swim  it was quite hot this summer vacation,so one day my brother and i went swimming.
  we changed the clothes and went up to the swimming pool.how i wanted to join them!but i couldn’t swim,so first brother taught me how to push the water,how to take a breath
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