My Favourite Sport Star
发布时间:2019-08-18 16:10:47
Thr ar many sports stars in th world. Do you know which is my favourit sport star? My favourit star is Yi Jianlian. Yi Jianlian is a good basktballr. H is born in Hshan, Guangdong. H is mtrs tall and 113 kilos. H is tallr than many popl, and h is hangsom and kind. H works hard in th match and in th training. So his coach and tam frinds all lik him. Yi Jianlian bgan his carr quit arly. Whn h was fiftn yars old, h cam into CBA. In 2002, h got th first gold mdal——Asia Youth championship’s champion. Aftr that, h hlpd Guangdong tam win 3 gold mdals from 2003 to 2006 CBA championships. And h von th CBA MVP from 2005 to 2006. In 2006 Asian Gams, h got points and rbounds. H was th gratst basktball playr in PRC, in 2006, I think. On Jun 28th, 2007, Yi Jianlian cam into NBA! All th Chins popl wr xcitd. Bcaus h is th fourth Chins basktballr who cam into NBA. All th popl hop h can bcom bttr and bttr.. Yi Jianlian is good at playing basktball. And h is handsom, frindly, kind and so on. So h has a lot of basktball fans in th world. My mothr and I ar both his fans. Yi Jianlian is my favourit star. I think, Yi Jianlian will b a famous basktball star in th world latr. All th popl on th arth will know him!
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