发布时间:2023-11-10 01:17:03

“ I want you to help me stop my son gambling. ” an anxious father said to his boy‘s principal. “ I don‘t know where he gets it from, but it‘s bet, bet, bet. ” “ Leave it to me, ” said the principal. A week later he phoned the boy‘s father. “ I think I‘ve cured him,” he said. “ How? ” “ Well, I saw him looking at my beard and he said, ” I bet that‘s a false beard, “ How much? I said, and he said $ 5 ” “ What happened ? ” asked the father. “ Well he tugged my beard which is quite natural and I made him give me $5. I‘m sure that‘ll teach him a lesson! ” “ No, it won‘t,” said the father. “He bet me $10 on Monday that he‘d pull your beard with your permission by the end of the week! ”   “ 我想你帮我制止我儿子赌博。 ” 一位焦急的父亲对儿子的校长说。 ” 我不知道他从哪儿学来的,总是赌 , 赌 , 赌。 ”“ 交给我吧! ” 校长说。 一周后,他打电话给男孩的父亲。 “ 我想我已使他改邪归正。 ” 他说。 “ 怎么办到的? ” “ 噢,他看着我的胡子,然后说: ‘ 我打赌那是假胡子。 ‘ ‘ 赌多少钱? ‘ 我问,他说 5 美元。 ” “ 后来怎样? ” 父亲问道。 “ 于是他拉扯了我的胡子后,知道那是货真价实的,我就要他给我 5 美元。我敢肯定我给了他一个教训。 ” “ 不行,那没用。 ” 父亲说。 “ 星期一他和我赌了 10 美元,说周末他可以让你允许他拔你的胡子! ”
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