
发布时间:2019-03-19 09:04:15


  Today is a big year 30 - New Year's eve, every family immersed in the festive, early in the evening we family ate family reunion dinner to set off firecrackers in the yard.

  Saw dad left hand holding a firecracker, right hand holding a cigarette lighter, a bit of firecrackers teases, immediately ran to come to our side, then near the burn of primers, suddenly a loud firecrackers sounded the "pa", then the fireworks going up in the sky, the color of the fireworks has many, red, yellow, green, blue...Gorgeous!Red as a rose and blue like a meteor shower, green like leaves, and so on.Beautiful!

  Me and dad put firecrackers is different, I put the rockets, I put the rockets tightly in hand, grandpa help me some primers, 10 seconds past, rockets still nothing happened, just as I want to get rid of rockets, rockets inside suddenly fly out of a missile, the missile flying high and far, finally became a hearth flame, brother saw it, the mouth say: "I want to play too. I also want to play."

  The night of the New Year's eve is really unforgettable!







  Today is New Year's eve, every household lights, the robot fish smell, spread out of the blue beep firecrackers sound,...A beaming spectacle. Our food on the table filled up with a big table of delicious food, have mutton, fish, beef, prawns, rice cakes, and rice dumplings,...I know lamb represents a jubilant, fish represent more than year after year, beef on behalf of the bullish, shrimp on behalf of the shrimp jumped longmen, rice cake represents high every year, zongzi is a scholar in hope I...Ah!A table is a meaningful family reunion dinner. Come from: composition of it was getting dark down, the whole sky as gorgeous fireworks, some like fairy scattering flower, some like torrents over the waterfall chrysanthemum, some are like a meteor flash, some like a rainbow of colours, and like a wax, jinlong into the sky!Looked at the colorful sky, suddenly I miss my teacher, my classmate friends, I wish you all a happy New Year!Healthy body, all the best!The same to the national people's happy New Year!Ping an health!


  今天是除夕夜,家家户户灯火通明,阵阵扑来鱼肉香味,传来霹雳叭啦的鞭炮声音,一派喜气洋洋的景象。 我家的菜桌上摆满了一大桌美味佳肴,有羊肉,有鱼肉,有牛肉,有大虾,有年糕,还有粽子,我知道羊肉代表喜气洋洋,鱼肉代表年年有余,牛肉代表牛气冲天,虾代表虾跳门,年糕代表一年比一年高,粽子是希望我中个状元。啊!真是一桌有意义的年夜饭。 来自:作文大全 天渐渐暗了下来,烟火把整个天空照的绚丽多彩,有的象仙女散花,有的象飞流而下的瀑布菊,有的象一闪而过的流星,有的象五光十色的彩虹,还有的象一条金龙直冲云霄喱! 望着这五彩的天空,我忽然想念我的老师我的同学好友,祝大家新年快乐!身体健康,万事如意! 也祝全国人民新年快乐!健康平安!


  Today is New Year's eve, New Year's eve is the traditional festival - the day before the Spring Festival of the Chinese nation, it means farewell to greet the New Year.This day, every family stick couplets on the Spring Festival, everyone, set off firecrackers, speaking of the tradition of setting off firecrackers, there is a legend!According to legend a long time ago, there was a monster called years, on the day of the Spring Festival came out to eat people.The people were afraid and a Spring Festival, people are discussing how to deal with, a white-haired old man said to put up the bamboo, the fire burn the bang of sound while gong can scare, the results really was scared away, since then, people set off firecrackers to ward off bad luck every Chinese New Year when, renewing it.

  Our family is no exception, of course, also bought a lot of firecrackers, a cherry bomb, a small gun, with like a small bean sprouts have I, there is a meteor shower.Family around the table watched Spring Festival gala, eat dinner together.In the rumble of firecrackers off the 2018, ushered in the new 2019.



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