《How Will You Measure Your Life?》是一本由Clayton M. Christensen / James A著作,HarperBusiness出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 25.99,页数:240,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(一):醍醐灌顶、拨云见日
《How will you measure your life》Christensen教授的这本书不愧是NYT畅销书之榜首。读完令人醍醐灌顶、拨云见日,心情也平静了许多。在人生重要的转折时期能够读到这本书是上天给我最好的礼物。好期待下学期上他的BSSE课程
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(二):丈量人生
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(三):找到自己的尺
#2015年第15本#audible 图书馆中文版,迅速搞定了这本鸡汤。
三个主题:如何找到自己的事业,如何和家人朋友建立深入关系,如何坚守底线。创新之处是用一些商业理论来类比人生决策(good money bad money, conservation of modularity, the job that needs to be done),但中心思想其实并不新:人的时间精力是硬约束,要到达理想的人生状态必须明白工作、名望、自我、快乐、家人朋友,孰重孰轻,然后用这来指导日常的每一个决定,一步步的靠近目标。
联系今年读过的另几本书,这和“designing your life”里面的life oddysey prototype的design thinking,以及playing big里面的inner mentor都有异曲同工之妙。you are what you eat, read, and decide everyday. Fail fast and fail early, adjust, and it will not be long before you are on the right track.
A side note: 相信自己所做的决定和选择的道路其实最为重要,不管你是相信三岁之前亲子关系决定一生,还是相信quality time is enough. 开始慢慢理解为什么人的年纪大了会越来越固执,这也许是纠结,和自己战斗多年之后的保护色。不管做什么决定都有downside,都有另一个理论与之冲突。固执是最简单的停止思考并且感觉良好的方式。
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(四):人生本如此
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(五):一般
合适的读者: 高中生、本科生
1. 我们为什么工作?关于工作,我们通常只考虑待遇,但实际上,分成两方面考虑
- 基本因素 (hygiene factor), 包括工资,工作环境等等
- 动力因素 (motivation factor), 包括工作的意义,个人成长等等
对于公司,有好资金/差资金(good money/bad money)的区别
当公司方向不是很明确的时候,好的资金让公司先探索好盈利模式,然后再追求增长; 差的资金会要求公司赶紧扩大规模,但由于根基不牢,发现商业模式上有问题就很难回头了。另一方面,当模式探索好之后,就要求马上开始增长,而不考虑一时盈利的大小.
2. 家庭哈佛的同学聚会每5年举行一次。毕业5周年聚会上,每个人看起来都很好 一一有很棒的工作,伴侣比本人好看,小孩也很看起来很有教养。就像我们想象的那样,生活在变得越来越好。但10周年聚会的时候,却并不如此。有几个我一直想见的同学没来。 后来才知道,是在离婚中,很痛苦。不想过来和我们谈论这些。15, 20年之后,更是愈发如此,更少有人人回来聚会了在毕业的时候,没有一个人想着将来自己的小孩会讨厌自己,会离婚好几次。我们本想建立一个幸福的家庭,作为幸福快乐的源泉。但最终结果却相反。作者在序言里讲的,非常警醒
3. 本书的问题(1) 理论太空,缺乏对案例的深入分析
(2) 关于职业生涯
3-4章,讲的其实就是 lean, 长期短期利益, 没有什么深入的分析
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(六):全书名过其实,部分语录令人警醒
事实再次证明,商学院教授,尤其是主要给MBA上课的教授的书并不值得买,正如商学院教授,尤其是主要给MBA上课的教授的讲座亦不值得深听一样。想起前不久听MIT Sloan商学院教授Andrew Lo讲座,被听众一度问得答不上话,而我差一点就买了他写的Adaptive Markets,在讲座后果断打消了这个念头。Andrew Lo的问题在于不出于实践、未加论证地臆想,试图提供一个宏大的解决方案,其中逻辑既没有实践上的经验,当然也不符合学术的规范。Clayton Christensen的这本书问题不同,但同样名不符实。
书分为三个部分,第一部分、2-4章讲如何在职业生涯中获取欢乐,第二部分、5-9章讲如何在家庭中获取欢乐,第三部分、第10章讲怎样避免进到监狱。第1章着实值得一读,讲了学术圈最看重的一个道理,即相关关系并不一定意味着因果关系,会飞的动物大部分都有翅膀,但有翅膀并不等同于会飞,这也是人类最初的飞行实验大多失败的原因,直到伯努利发明了流体力学,解决了浮力的问题,人类都具备了飞行的可能。第2章直白地告诉读者,为了地位、金钱工作并不会获得快乐,最重要的是找到工作的动力,找到工作带来的满足感。第3章说人不可能预期一直干某一项工作,总是需要在坚持梦想和灵活机动间把握平衡,如果有好机会也可以试试,直到找到工作的动力。第4章称前两章实际上是一个选择职业的战略,但是再好的战略如果没有执行也等于空谈,因此要把战略体现在行动和资源的分配上。第5章先说了良好家庭的维持需要较早和长期的投入,正当你感觉家庭关系良好的时候,正是继续加大投资的好时机,而不是在此时把更大的精力放到工作上。第6章说了换位思考的问题,在家庭关系中最重要的不是你要做什么,而是家人需要你做什么。第7章开始进入如何教育孩子,在过去的几十年,全球制造业的大趋势是外包,把所有可以标准化、技术含量低、劳动密集型的生产环节交给发展中国家的初创型公司,正如Dell把电脑的生产外包给台湾企业Asus一样,通过外包,核心的企业逐步失去了对整体生产流程的把控,更重要的是从无到有培育了一个全方位、具备生产和创新能力的竞争对手。现在家长也喜欢让孩子上各种各样的培训学术,这是给孩子以“资源”,但孩子在这些学校并不会学会最重要的克服困难、建立自尊。有意思的是作者认为决定公司或一个人能力的有三个因素:资源、流程和优先级,优先级是最重要的因素。第8章继续引用公司管理中的例子说明,与光鲜的履历、各式的奖状相比,更重要的是孩子从生活经验中成长,家长需要判断孩子的成长更需要什么样的能力和经验,并以此设计培养环节。第9章强调要预设并建立合适的家庭文化,即家庭的“无形之手”(Invisible hand),家长对家庭文化应有明确的设想,否则只能接受家庭关系演变的结果。第10章说为什么本很优秀的哈佛大学毕业会被关进监狱?这是由于人们早已接受了边际思考,但人们没有意识到,边际的逐渐演变会让人最终付出整个成本。放松一点警惕带来的往往是满盘皆输。
“In the end, a strategy is nothing but good intentions unless it’s effectively implemented.”
“100 Percent of the Time is Easier Than 98 Percent of the Time. Many of us have convinced ourselves that we are able to break our own personal rules ‘just this once.’ In our minds, we can justify these small choices. None of those things, when they first happen, feels like a life-changing decision. The marginal costs are almost always low. But each of those decisions can roll up into a much bigger picture, turning you into the kind of person you never wanted to be. That instinct to just use the marginal costs hides from us the true cost of our actions.”
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(七):若干年后,能做到不悔吗?
弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格的 “动因论” 给了我们答案。
There’s an old saying: find a job that you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.
决定一个企业能做什么和不能做什么的三大能力:资源、应用流程、组织行为优先顺序。资源大都是有型的;应用流程简单概括成一个企业做事情的方法,包括各种制度、方式、策略等;组织优先顺序就是企业的价值观取向。 这个模型应用到个人身上:资源是他所利用的东西,应用流程是他做事的方式,价值取向是他做某件事的动机。
时光流逝,大家都在成长,而后你丢失了什么,你来得及意识到这些吗? “好钱和坏钱理论”,你投入的东西其实可以不急着计算回报,但是你要知道你种下的树苗能否长成树荫。 就像许多重要投资一样,与家人、朋友的关系需要你不断去关注。 “要了解对你最在乎的人而言什么东西最重要,最好的方法就是从‘需要完成的工作’角度去考虑,它能使你发展出真正的同情” “我真的相信与家人、朋友间的关系是人生幸福的最大源泉” 我也相信!“牺牲和付出能使承诺关系更牢固”
Children will learn when they’re ready to learn, not when you’re ready to teach them; if you are not with them as they encounter challenges in their lives, then you are missing important opportunities to shape their priorities—and their lives.
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(八):于止,知其所止
3 questions
1st chapter——解决3 questions的方法
2nd chapter——
hygiene factor:
motivation factor:
工作上的成功需要找到同时满足hygiene和motivation factor的工作
keep looking, Don’t settle
fully satisfied的条件great work的条件love what you do
理论1:如果一个工作满足hygiene factor阈值,同时由motivation factor驱动,则会引导你在工作中成功和快乐。
3rd chapter——
alance of deliberate and emergent
1. 是否可能同时符合hygiene和motivation factors?
2. 是否符合人生大方向?
3. 什么假设(支撑条件)必须为真?最重要和最不确定的假设放在最上,最不重要和最确定的假设放在最下面。
4. 如何以较小代价验证重要假设为真?
理论2:如果做好deliberate和emergent plan的balance,则很可能找到使你成功的工作
4th chapter——
resource allocation需要符合你的目标和战略,什么最重要就要分配最多的资源。
5th chapter——
good and bad money theory: 盈利的商业模型需要及早酝酿出,企业早期不容忍不盈利,容忍成长,找到合适商业模式后容忍利润,不容忍不成长
理论6:good and bad money theory,盈利的商业模型需要及早酝酿出,企业早期不容忍不盈利,容忍成长,找到合适商业模式后容忍利润,不容忍不成长。
6th chapter——
家庭和谐的关键:what job does my spouse hire me to do?
We often give my spouse what We think they need, not really need.
acrifice deepens commitment
7th chapter——
8th chapter——
rocess and priority: school of experience
9th chapter——
10th chapter——
错误的marginal thinking: 人们总是想在沉没成本上加杠杆而只注意到当前较小的marginal cost而忽视了未来
just this once同marginal thinking,非常危险,它是加杠杆的just this once,百分之百坚守原则远比98%坚守原则容易。
理论13:marginal thinking理论,如果因为沉没成本,只计算单次事情和单个产品的低成本,将会付出整个代价。
urpose的形成并不容易,需要沉潜反复,3 steps→likeness、commitment(不断重复和自问反思)、metrics(衡量你是否偏离了方向)
1. 顺应时世,成为对世界、国家、民族、社会、团体和家人有巨大价值的人;
2. 洞悉宇宙、世界和人性;
3. 成为勇敢、不怯懦和有担当的人。
happiness, achievement, significance和legacy都做要足够好,achievement是立功、significance是立德、legacy是立言。
just enough和快速切换聚焦switch and link,做一件事要只在当下。
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(九):读书笔记
一、 Section1
riorities, balancing plans with opportunities, and allocating your resources - combine to create your strategy.
1.1 Priorities:
商业案例(理论):incentive theory -> motivation theory
# two types of factors: hygiene factors and motivation factors
# hygiene factors: status, compensation, job security,, work conditions, company policies and supervisory practice.
# Motivation factors: challenging work, recognition responsibility and personal growth. Feelings that you are making a meaningful contribution to work.
Many of my peers had chosen careers using hygiene facts as the primary criteria..
1.2 The balance of Calculation and Serendipity
商业案例: honda motorcycle into the US market.
# If you’ve found out the field where you can maximize the motivators and satisfy the hygiene factors. Do deliberate approach.
# a tool that can help you test whether your deliberate strategy or a new emergent one will be a fruitful approach: what has to prove true for this to work?
## 小案例:法国迪士尼的失败。
## 使用: Before you take a job, 1. carefully list what things others are going to need to do or to deliver in order for you to successfully achieve what you hope to do. 2. ask yourself what assumptions have to prove true for your to be HAPPY in the choice.
## a good place to start would have been to look at the characteristics of other firms that have successfully entered the field.
1.3 Resources
# getting the measure of success wrong. -> SonoSite的销售推销的产品和公司意图不符。
# paradox of resource allocation: -> Sonosite
# when individuals cause the problems. -> apple
# Dangers of getting the time frame wrong -> Unilever & its cadre
# have, in your brain, a filter for making choices about what to prioritize.
# To avoid unconsciously allocating one’s resource to activities that yield the most immediate , tangible accomplishments. (Ought to invest time and energy in relations with friends, spouses, children, etc)
二、Section 2
e a good spouse, a good parent, and a good friend.
2.1 relationships with friend & family
# good money & bad money. Iridium Satellite Network.
# 持续投入。(小孩六岁前不关注,青春期就晚了;etc)
# 投入到未来幸福:而不要被instant feedback 吸引。(家庭和朋友是幸福的一大源泉)
2.2 Doing the right job满足亲友需求:
商业案例: ikea idea - the job to be done; milkshake survey.
# 家庭成员见:沟通和满足真正的需求,以及sacrifice & commitment
2.3 孩子成长
# dell outsourcing 到Asus的经过和结果
# 分析:分析自己的资本(capabilities):resource, processes and priorities
# resources are what he uses to do it, processes are how he does it, and priorities are why he does it.
# 大部分家长都在给孩子投资resource,但是process和priorities是要增强的。后者是可以通过让孩子从小加入家庭工作、生活分享来实现的。
2.4 孩子成长2: 储存经验值
# hr选候选人(ceo)等。都是从成功简历看,其实应该葱经历看
# 想好目标就冲着目标去储存经验
# 不要一直吃老本
# 不要担心让孩子有(失败)的经历: 给他们些困难的工作。让他们有失败或战胜他们的经历
2.5 建立家庭文化,塑造孩子的性格
商业案例: 什么是公司的文化,如何形成,作用是什么。
# A culture is a unique combination of processes and priorities within an organization.
# family culture:what things we prioritize, how we solve problems, and what really matter.
# 夫妻两人家庭文化的融合、沟通和确立,在一次次的正向鼓励中建立:
# 持续和一致
三、Section 3 :LIving a life of integrity.
3.1 Full versus marginal thinking
# BLockbuster vs. Netflix
# US steel
# Nick Leeson vs. Barings.
# The trap of marginal thinking: you end up paying the full price anyway.
映射生活: the only way to avoid the consequences of uncomfortable moral concessions in your life it to never start making them in the first place.
四、Epilogue: Purpose
Three parts of purpose: likeness, commitment, and metrics - comprise a company’s purpose.
# likeness: The person I want to become -> becoming committed -> finding the right metic
《How Will You Measure Your Life?》读后感(十):Sect One: 职业发展与个人成功
1 just because you have feathers
ect 1 finding happiness in your career
2 what makes us tick
3 the balance of calculation and serendipity
4 your strategy is not what you say it is
ect 2 finding happiness in your relationships
5 the ticking clock
6 what job did you hire that milkshake for
7 sailing your kids on theseus’s ship
8 the schools of experience
9 the invisible hand inside your family
ect 3 stadying out of jail
10 just this once
have much to celebrate. work in exotic locations, and have manage to marry spouses much better-looking than they were.
others were on their way to top spots in Fortune 500 companies.
他的reunion同学,还有他的学生 - personal dissatisfaction, family failures, professional struggles, even criminal behaviors
之前是怎么教 MBA course. buiding and sustaining a successful enterprise. -
These theories are statements of what causes things to happen—and why. When the students understand these theories, we put them “on”—like a set of lenses—to examine a case about a company
the best of the insights my students and i have discuessed on that last day in class
ot just when you are confronting a life-threating illness, as i was, but every day, for every one of us. to make their own way in the world was a remarkable experience
We’ve written in the first person, my voice, because it’s how I talk to my students—and my own children—about this thinking. But James and Karen have truly been coauthors in deed. 第一人称讲诉,其他作者也是
需要hard work - how will you measure your life
很多励志书籍和名人告诉过你要怎么生活。how do you know what is good advice - and what is bad
there are no quick fixes for the fundamental problems of life. offer you tools that i’ll call theories
讲在Intel发生的故事。 the only thing i can do is to explain the theory first, then we can look at the company through the lens that the theory offers.
“Look, I’ve got your model. Just tell us what it means for Intel.”
instead of telling him what to think, I taught him how to think. 授人以渔
- i don’t have an opinion, the theory has an opinion
当别人在问我问题时候。I’ll describe to them how the process in the model worked its way through an industry or situation different from their own, to help them visualize how it works. 这样后,他们会answer their question with more insight than i could possibly have.
I’ll describe to them how the process in the model worked its way through an industry or situation different from their own, to help them visualize how it works. 而是来自于空气动力学gone from correlation (wings and feathers) to causality (lift).
- the power of theory in our lives
The appeal of easy answers—of strapping on wings and feathers—is incredibly alluring. 但是真正要做的是: deep understanding of what causes what to happen.
you’ll see that without theory, we’re at sea without a sextant.
Each chapter of this book highlights a theory as it might apply to a particular challenge. But just as was true in understanding flight, problems in our lives don’t always map neatly to theories on a one-to-one basis.[需要融会贯通而不是单一死板的]
而不是借助于经验和别人的经历,而是借助于原理(based on a deep understanding of human endeavor - what causes what to happen, and why.)
# finding happiness in your career
the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. if you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.
工作占据了生活绝大部分时间(you’ll likely spend more of your waking hours at your job than in any other part of your life. it’s a compromise that will always eat away at you. - 不要妥协不要放弃重拾)
a strategy is what you want to achieve and how you will get there.
what’s most important to you in your career? 但是要注意The problem is that what we think matters most in our jobs often does not align with what will really make us happy. - to have that plan(如5年计划), and when it’s best to be emergent - to be open to the unexpected.
Good intentions are not enough—you’re not implementing the strategy that you intend if you don’t spend your time, your money, and your talent in a way that is consistent with your intentions. In your life, there are going to be constant demands for your time and attention. How are you going to decide which of those demands gets resources? The trap many people fall into is to allocate their time to whoever screams loudest, and their talent to whatever offers them the fastest reward. That’s a dangerous way to build a strategy. 好的intention不够,你需要花时间精力在上面,要注意一些紧急事务占用你的时间,一些及时行乐无长期收益的会消耗你的才能等等
# what makes us tick - 动力motivation
我们发现很多 stuck in unhanppy careers, unhappy lives. it is often the result of a fundamental misunderstanding of what reallt motivates us. 误解了什么是生活的动力
- the importance of getting motivation right
- do incentives make the world go round?
- a better theory of motivation
- motivation matters in places you might not expect
- if you find a job you love
a lot of the senior executives used to be engineers. During that period of their lives, they seemed to be motivated by the work itself. They didn’t need incentives—right? So then what happened? When they became executives
作者和两个孩子一起"spend weeks selecting the lumber, picking the shingles for the house, working our way up through the platform, the sides, the roof." - the feelings of accomplishment and of learning. of being a key player on a team that is achieving something meaningful.
作者是怎么看到manager的。you have the opportunity to frame each person’s work so that, at the end of every day, your employees will go home feeling like Diana felt on her good day: living a life filled with motivators.
In order to really find happiness, you need to continue looking for opportunities that you believe are meaningful, in which you will be able to learn new things, to succeed, and be given more and more responsibility to shoulder.
老话说得好: find a job that you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. - 这种使命感和充实,they throw their best effort into their jobs, and it makes them very good at what they do.
hygiene factors such as money, status, compensation, and job security are much more a by-product of being happy with a job rather than the cause of it. realizing this frees us to focus on the things that really matter.
a different set of questions than most of us are used to asking. Is this work meaningful to me? Is this job going to give me a chance to develop? Am I going to learn new things? Will I have an opportunity for recognition and achievement? Am I going to be given responsibility? These are the things that will truly motivate you. Once you get this right, the more measurable aspects of your job will fade in importance.
# the balance of calculation and serendipty
找到what makes us tick仅仅是第一步。但需要 balance the pursuit of aspirations and goals with taking advantage of unanticipated opportunities.
- Honda takes American… by accident
- balancing emergent and deliberate
- when the Wall Street Journal didn’t respond
- what has to prove true for this to work
- before you take that job
- the importance of testing assumptions
riced at a quarter of the cost of a big Harley, the Super Cubs were sold not to classic-motorcycle customers, but to an entirely new group of users that came to be called “off-road bikers.”
every strategy is formulated and subsequently evolves. ptions for your strategy spring from two very different sources. The first source is anticipated opportunities. The second source of options is unanticipated—usually a cocktail of problems and opportunities that emerges while you are trying to implement the deliberate plan or strategy that you have decided upon.
upposed to have their careers planned out, step by step, for the next five years. the implicit assumption that they should risk deviating from their vision only if things go horribly wrong. 之前只是说当前job搞砸后才会想的
we are constantly navigating a path by deciding between our deliberate strategies and the unanticipated alternatives that emerge. Each approach is vying for our minds and our hearts, making its best case to become our actual strategy.
ut it’s rarely a case of sitting in an ivory tower and thinking through the problem until the answer pops into your head. Strategy almost always emerges from a combination of deliberate and unanticipated opportunities. What’s important is to get out there and try stuff until you learn where your talents, interests, and priorities begin to pay off. When you find out what really works for you, then it’s time to flip from an emergent strategy to a deliberate one. 持续寻找而不是空想[get out there and try stuff until you learn where your talents, interests, and priorities begin to pay off.]
I still wonder occasionally whether it is finally time to try to become editor of theWall Street Journal. Academia became my deliberate strategy—and will stay that way as long as I continue to enjoy what I’m doing. But I have not twisted shut the flow of emergent problems or opportunities. Just as I never imagined thirty years ago I’d end up here, who knows what might be just around the corner?
如何在deliberate strategy 和different strategy that is emerging中选择tradeoff
It forces you to articulate what assumptions need to be proved true in order for the strategy to succeed.
discovery-driven planning. 而传统公司做决策在于很少 test whether those initial projections are accurate
讲了迪士尼Paris的故事。In the other parks, Disney had built forty-five rides. This kept people happily occupied for three days. But Disneyland Paris opened its doors with only fifteen rides. You could do everything in just one day.
Once the company understands whether the initial important assumptions are likely to prove true, it can make a much better decision about whether to invest in this project or not. 看看那些假设是否成立从而辅助决策
efore you take a job, carefully list what things others are going to need to do or to deliver in order for you to successfully achieve what you hope to do. Ask yourself: “What are the assumptions that have to prove true in order for me to be able to succeed in this assignment?” List them. Are they within your control? 把你预期这份工作可以满足你什么预期有哪些假设等. Every time you consider a career move, keep thinking about the most important assumptions that have to prove true, and how you can swiftly and inexpensively test if they are valid. 并且知道怎么检验哪些你认为重要的~
if my students(希望在发展中国家investing的却被公司耗在U.S业务上) had listed out and found ways to test those assumptions, 就可以发现问题(找那些 firms that have a deep commitment to developing countries typically have capital tied to investment there. they have partners dedicated to the practice)
although it is hard to get it right at first, success doesn’t rely on this. Instead, it hinges on continuing to experiment until you do find an approach that works. 持续转变和发现。而不是一开始故步自封
While you are still figuring out your career, you should keep the aperture of your life wide open. Depending on your particular circumstances, you should be prepared to experiment with different opportunities[有机会去探索可能性], ready to pivot, and continue to adjust your strategy until you find what it is that both satisfies the hygiene factors and gives you all the motivators.
不要被现在的工作,have a clear vision of whether your life will take you is just wasting time. even worse, it may actually close your mind to unexpected opportunities.
# Your strategy is not what you say it is
- getting the measure of success wrong
- the paradox of resource allocation
- when individuals cause the problems
- the dangers of getting the time frame wrong
- allocating resources among your business
说说是没用的「mean nothing if you do not align those with where you actually expend your time, money, and energy」
watch where your resources flow, if they’re not supporting the strategy you’ve decide upon. then you’re not implementing that strategy at all.
两种设备被销售人员贩卖,Goodwin thought that he was giving clear instructions into the salesman’s ear. But the compensation system was shouting the opposite instructions into his other ear. The salespeople would need to sell five iLook handheld devices to generate the profits that a single Titan laptop would provide
what make sense to engineers - pushing the frontier of performance in the next product beyond the best of their current products, making them more sophisticated and capable, regardless of expense - was counter to the logic the company’s strategy, which was to make the iLook even smaller and more affordable
when the right decision for the long term makes no sense for the short term
in the strategy process, resource allocation is where the rubber meets the road. 所有的vison, plans, opportunities 都需要priority, vying against one another to become the actual strategy the company implements.
onoSite causes well-intended staff to go off in the wrong direction when the measures of success for employees are counter to those that will make the company successful.
Jobs brought Apple back to its roots: to make the best products in the world, change the way people think about using technology in their lives, and provide a fantastic user experience. Anything not aligned with that got scrapped; people who did not agree were yelled at, abased, or fired. Soon, people began to understand that if they didn’t allocate their resources in a way that was consistent with Apple’s priorities, they would land in hot water. 个人目标和公司目标对齐
to understand a company’s strategy, look at what they actually do rather than whay they say they will do.
Unless you manage it mindfully, your personal resource allocation process will decide investments for you according to the “default” criteria that essentially are wired into your brain and your heart. 惯性。your resources are not decided and deployed in a single meeting or when you review your calendar for the week ahead. It is a continuous process—and you have, in your brain, a filter for making choices about what to prioritize.
The danger for high-achieving people is that they’ll unconsciously allocate their resources to activities that yield the most immediate, tangible accomplishments. 尤其是那些忙碌的人 - moving foward. they ship a product, finish a design, help a patient, close a sales, tech a class, win a case, publish a paper, get paid, get promoted.
They prioritized things that gave them immediate returns—such as a promotion, a raise, or a bonus—rather than the things that require long-term work, the things that you won’t see a return on for decades, like raising good children.
Investing time and energy in these relationships doesn’t offer them that same immediate sense of achievement that a fast-track career does.
ut as they keep allocating resources in this way—and although they often won’t realize it—they’re implementing a strategy vastly different from what they intend. 不要被习惯和不以小为恶.
如何做呢? watch where your resources flow - the resource allocation process. if the decisions you make about where you invest your blood, sweat, and tears are not consistent with the person you aspire to be, you’ll never become that person.
作者初版过 创新者的困境 【Andy Grove chairman of Intel】
roll out
turnout 出席者
rosperous 繁荣
deteriorate 恶化
unravel 揭开了
lip - a kind of midlife crisis.
evy 一群
illuminating 赋予启发的
mirage 海市蜃楼
asttime 消遣
ot an inadvertent oversight 不是个意外忽视
vying 竞争的
flounder - move or struggle helplessly or clumsily; move with difficulty, as through mud or deep snow
ecome embittered toward her employer