
发布时间:2022-04-26 23:56:25

I am grateful to my father

I would like to thank the many people, but the most grateful to my father, from small to large, my father gave me encouragement and love so many.

My father is warm and severe, when holiday time, he likes to join me sitting in bed talking days later to see if the book later. He told me is so severe! In particular, I do not listen, his eyes were round, sharp eyes like a sword in my body scan to scan, I immediately for the mistakes I feel ashamed.

I love my father, grateful to him for my pay, my education. When I was sick, is to take care of my father in every possible way; I am in trouble, the father is kind of nice to help me. He gave me the love is selfless.

One Sunday evening, I feel listless, had no energy to the body. Dad found, help me to rest, give me temperature. Goodfellas! 39 degrees 5! At this time, I also head halo Youteng body cold and hot, uncomfortable bed in Dengjiao, the father then took a wet towel on my head enough, I feel better. In the 3-point night, I did not fire back, the father had no choice but to the clinic to buy medicine for me, a father of seven Lianpao clinics, but are not yet open. By 6 o‘clock, my father turned to the county hospital, the father upstairs downstairs to buy medicine for me, pay, I can clearly see the father of crystal beads of sweat on his forehead. At this point, I really wanted to say to the father: Dad, I thank you! Dad is not only concerned about my body, is also very concerned about my learning.


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