Harry Potter——Time to Say Goodbye

发布时间:2024-07-02 06:23:44

Harry Potter——Time to Say Goodbye
     I rarely try to write anything in English, unless I have to. But Oddly, I feel it so difficult to express myself in Chinese this time. Maybe it is because I read all the books in English. Maybe it is because I watched all the movies in English. Maybe it is simply because I am not good at expressing my feelings in Chinese, when they are as strong as what I feel at this moment.
     No word satisfied me. There was always a lack of something when it came out. I wrote and I deleted. Based on that speed, it would take me at least one year to finish the I decided to write in English, so that I would not be able to tell whether it is as Iexpected. Because my English is not good enough for me to tell. I want to make it less difficult, even though it won't be . Let's get back to business. The eighth movie of Harry Potter. The last one, which means I don't have another one to look forward to from now on. This is different from every time before. I always knew I would come back to the movie theater and thus the magic world again. But not this time.   

     When the seventh book came out, I knew it was not the end. I still had three or four movies waiting for me. Even when I finished the movie this afternoon, I knew it was not the end of the story. Deep down, I insist of saying goodbye to Harry Potter as I finish this post. It is not farewell. I know I will come back from time to time. But it would be different. The story is fixed. There is no reason I don't let it go. There is no reason I keep holding on to the little girl in my heart.

     I gave the movie five stars on DouBan and ten stars on Mtime. I always struggle because of the evaluation of a movie, but not this time. I don't really care if it is a good movie. It doesn't matter. I no longer complain about Sirius' look as I did after the third movie. I know for sure he will be the Sirius in my head when I get back to this magic world. I am sure of this when I saw him as Harry clutching the resurrection stone. So are everybody else whose face I can remember. I stop grumble about how they overlooked Ginny and Lupin and even Snape in the first seven movies. I don't mind that some of the plots were made to amuse people, in a not so clever way.

      I was deeply touched when Prof. McGonagall called out the stone knights to protect Hogwarts. I was almost moved to tears when Mrs. Weasley and Prof. Flitwick pointed their wands to the sky, casting spells to shield Hogwarts. I started to cry when I saw Lupin and Tonks stretching their arms by the windows, ready to devote themselves to the battle. I could imagine how life is profoundly beautiful when you have someone worth fighting for, at the expense of anything including your life.

There are so many beautiful and touching moments:

When Ron and Hermione kissed after they destroyed the Hocrux with the snake fang..

When Snape asked Harry to look at him before he died..

When Snape showed Dumbledore his patronus as a doe..

When Hermione hugged Harry as they all knew Harry had to die so as to kill Voldemort..

When Sirius told Harry to die is faster than to go to sleep..

When James and Lily told Harry they are always there..

When Harry named his little boy Albus Severus Potter..

And so many moments like this...

 There is nothing more I can ask for. It is enough.

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