《Alice in Wonderland 2010》影评

发布时间:2021-12-27 17:27:14

Everyone knows Alice in wonderland,but how well do people truly know?For most Alice in wonderland,is more a series of iconic images than a complete think of Alice falling down the rabbit hole or her conversation with the thing are in Tim Burton's movie but he is used them to craft something entirely 's Alice is more of a sequel to than a retelling.
         As a nearly 20 Alice and we meet her on the eve of her unwilling engagement to a ginger-haired he pops the question,she run off into the bushes in pursuit of what appears to be a rabbit wearing falls down a hole and ends up in a world called"Underland",a place she has been before as a little girl mistakenly called wonderland,and then she's back and embroiled in an epic prophecy which promises she'll save everyone from the Red Queen's machmations,but is this Alice   'the' Alice? Fortunately,she slaied the Red Queen's Jabberwocky on the Frabjous Day and then come back to the real world.
        The main thing here is unlike any other version of 's all leading is a movie about self-confidence and 's feminist film to the core,with a strong female heroine who gets the confidence she needs to achieve in the real world by first discovering her muchness in a fantasy one.
      Alice succeed through sheer bravery and willpower,it doesn't  mean she succeeds at finding love or getting the right man,or any other things. She goes out into the world and decided to take it by the horns on her own terms.


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