
发布时间:2022-08-04 11:22:35

  《黑金》是一部由Marc Francis / Nick Francis执导,纪录片主演的一部英国 / 美国类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《黑金》影评(一):Black Gold [作业用]



  In the movie of Black Gold, the entire coffee production line involves not only the coffee farmers and multinational businesses. It is, nonetheless, the gigantic industry involving countless of people. Coffee growers, coffee workers, coffee suppliers, coffee contractors, multinational companies, coffee managers, coffee artists, daily consumers and so on are compositions in this black gold empire.

  Tadesse Meskela is dedicated himself in the elimination of the price differentiations between coffee suppliers—farmers and the coffee exporters—multinationals by vacuuming gaps of the chains in the commodity process.

  The situation in Ethiopia is very disturbing from the standpoint of the western society. 15 million people in Ethiopia rely on the coffee production for a living, and 67% Ethiopia export is coffee. However, in the capital of the poorest country in the world, Addis Ababa, people are famishing from poverty. In fact, 7 million people are dependent on emergency food everyday. They are hardly fed than receiving proper medical care and education. In the film, the farmers are accusing the low price of the coffee not out of the greediness, but the basic instinct of feeding one’s family and sending one’s children to proper-built school for higher education. The only hope for them to get away from their inherited fate of struggling for food relies on the negotiation between coffee exporters and the multinational merchandise for higher prices.

  The cause of the price differences is simple and well known. Since the international coffee agreement became effective in the 1980s, the price has fallen and the nowadays 80 cups of coffee is made from one kilo of coffee beans. Disturbingly, the retail price of one kilo of coffee beans is one hundred times lower than its retail price as in cups of coffee drinks in western world. The monopoly market controls the high prices by exploiting the poor farmers.

  There are four multinationals dominating the world coffee market. In the eye of impoverished farmers, they represent the idea of stratification and exploitation. However, the multinationals, like their other relatives born in the time of globalization, have been feeding millions of people and supporting millions of people’s dreams over decades. For instance, the coffee artists in the competition may not notice their ingredients came from an Ethiopian family working 16 hours per day for minimal earnings. They make fantastic tasting coffee and win trophies. And to the manager from the first Starbucks in Seattle, she works so hard for a company that buys coffee beans cheaply from starving African farmers and sells them after roasting for at least 3 dollars per cup. Her dream is not impairing any others’ happiness.

  The industry chain isn’t over. It also includes people in Wall Street, where every single commodity price is determined. And the delegates in the WTO, bargaining for their interests, exemplify a different view of the coffee industry. WTO, as one of the American delegates put as “an organization of power-based”, also plays an important role of international imperialism.

  The documentary suggests more than one-side of the story for us, and this is approximately the universal question raised to everyone that lives in the global economy. Who actually keep the black gold throughout the entire chain of industry?














  《黑金》影评(三):BLACK GOLD

  LACK GOLD 曾入围2006年圣丹斯电影节并且首映,入围加拿大HotDocs纪录片节,入围伦敦电影节 ……它记录了埃塞俄比亚一家本土咖啡农合作社的经理塔德塞·梅塞克拉,为了改善占这个国家四分之三出口额的产业链中那些最底层农民的处境,与那些来自发达国家的买家进行谈判和争取减少改变贸易条件的经历。






  就是美国的black gold.我看完了挺震撼的,心里说不出的难受。如果你有时间可以找来看看,我在emule下载的,所以没有字幕。只不过说非洲语的时候才有英文的。中文字幕我也没找到,我不会写影评,转一下我一个朋友写的吧。









  《黑金》影评(五):I just want to cry for these Ethiopians

  Considering what we eat and drink every day,most of us are living a decent life or much better ones,because some of us can sit in an Italian restaurant and enjoy the food or drinks from the wealthy countries.We are much better than Ethiopians,obviously.

  early most of the ppl aroud us know Nestle,Kraft,Procter&Gamble and Sara Lee,all the four are multinations that dominate the coffee world.They regulate the market,and there exists a ’C’market in New York.If the price of coffee drops 5 cents in ’C’market,then the price of the real comodety will drop 5 cents also,totally regardless of coffee farms’ toiling.

  All the farmers only make half of a dollar for one kilo beans.And this is a pretty good price ,however.They said they would sore over the sky if this happened.I don’t know how to express my feelings over this issues.People there are still work in co-operatives,they are still work in group to generate a better future.They don’t even have sufficient hard currency to rebuild their school or buy a new blackboard,they just say’we can’t afford that...’When Tadess brought back what they were supposed to obtain,look how happy these farmers are,though these money were not using for themselves,only for an inferior ’new’ school,they can’t even afford a decent one.

  ut Ethiopia is supposed to be the birthplace of coffee,these ppl are the fathers and mothers of coffee!How can Starbucks treat them like that!Such a low price,do not even enought for a normal life,I can’t imagine how cruel these businessmen are.

  ot knowing Africa enough before,I thought ppl there are lazy to lead such a poor life.But now in hindsight,I would think it is because traders in developed countries are robbers.They do not treat ppl equally.They put them in a desperate situation,and then they have no idea about why they are toiling drastically but still trapped in femine and all kinds of malnurished kids.Even worse ,they eliminated the coffee plots to plant the ’chat’ which is a narcotic plants that is not allowed in America and most of the Europe.

  o one wants to die.

  ext time when you sit in a Starbucks,I hope you can think more benethe the roma of the liquid.Think about how many hardships the coffee farmers have experienced,and how low price they get from one kilo coffee beans and how high profits eventually fall into the retailers’ pockets.

  You must be intellectual on this ,what I mean is ,if you have watched this documentary.


  lack God一开场就是当地农民合作社的领导人问咖啡农,你们猜一杯在欧洲要卖多少钱?大家都纷纷摇头说不知道。然后他改问,那在你们家乡咖啡一杯多少钱?很快就有人喊道30美分。然后他告诉农民们,欧洲一杯咖啡可以卖到3美元。大家都沉默了。立刻就有人问道”那我们为什么只能赚到这么一点糊口的钱?”



  lack Gold着重讲述整个产业链的故事。对于全球的咖啡产业来说。最终决定定价的是在纽约证交所的broker和大买家们。四家大型公司: Kraft(卡夫)Nestle(雀巢)Proctor &Gamble(保洁)以及Sara Lee(美国食品公司)控制了全球超过70%以上的咖啡豆交易和进出口。他们并不直接从非洲收购,而是通过中间商/非洲本地供应商等中间环节供货,然后在期货等金融衍生品市场上博取有利可图的价格再把原豆消化给全球各地的roaster(roast是烘烤的意思,指把咖啡豆烘烤然后研墨成粉的过程,那么 roaster就应该是加工的过程)。中间往往经过6,7个链接的层层加价,到最终零售的时候往往比成本高出十几倍。价格的差异还不是不平等的所在,关键的问题是,在整个议价的机制里面,非洲的农民完全没有发出自己声音的可能。因为农民是分散的,闭塞的。他们不知道外面市场的价格,不知道今年各地的收成都是怎样。只能等在家里等收购商上门来开价,卖或不卖,别无选择。而进口商则可以在不同咖啡产地之间游走寻找最低的价格和最好的品质。这种信息和权力上的不平等造成了自1989年唯一的关于咖啡贸易的全球协定结束之后,咖啡农的收入急剧下降。当欧洲和美国的消费者们在品尝的咖啡以及由此而产生的种种衍生行业:咖啡品尝大赛,咖啡旅游,咖啡国际展,那些埃塞俄比亚的农民们却在为温饱而挣扎。它们每年接受各种国际援助,却并没有因此而过上更好的生活。咖啡业占那个国家76%的出口总额,它们的政府却不被允许对农民进行补贴——这恰恰是WTO,对于非洲那些穷国的条款。

  农民合作组织( co-operatives)代表着一种尝试,就好像我们国家以前的农会。把生产咖啡的农民组织起来,增加他们谈判的能力。甚至越过供应链的中间环节,直接和国际加工商接洽。其中的过程非常艰苦,要去说服没有什么文化的农民如何加入农会,怎么把赚来的钱投入教育等基础建设而不是马上分掉。

  这个电影给不出答案。但是它给我们看的是现实。这个现实告诉我们,如果你平时喝咖啡的时候多花几毛钱,多注意一些“Fair Trade Certified”(公平交易)的农产品,就可以让那些农民真的拿到实利。






















  《黑金》影评(八):黑金 Black Gold 影评全英文版


  Everyday, millions of people in the world drink coffees. It’s fascinating that how no one is ever thought of the complicated story behind every single cup of coffee that they drink. Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and world largest coffee producer. While each year it relies 67% of its export on coffee, the country is still suffering from famine and poverty. The problem is not simply just the huge differences between first-world countries and third-world countries, but rather the manipulation of strong multinationals.

  “A cup of coffee, how much do you think it cost in the European world,” asked by the manager of Oromia Coffee Farmer Co-operatives Union, Tadesse Meskela, the question reflects a realistic problem that the multinational companies overexploit African farmers. “It is said that ‘coffee is the black gold’, but here we gain nothing from selling the coffee. It’s the private traders who have got fat.” Despite the fact that one kilogram of coffee beans can produce 80 cups of coffee, the retail price of one kilogram of coffee beans is one hundred times lower than the retail price of a cup of coffee in the western world. The international coffee trading market is a one-price-market. Multinational companies in New York and London set the price up daily and there is no negotiation. The attitude and pricing policies that western coffee producers hold towards the African farmers are almost the same as the attitude that slave owners would have towards their slaves—paying as little as possible on the premise of guaranteed survival. Farmers have limited choices; it’s either plant coffee trees or “chat” a highly addictive drug, which is banned throughout the US and most part of Europe. Ironically, while the Starbucks manager is talking about how great Starbucks is and how big it could expand, in Sidamo, for the first time, children and adults are suffering from famine. The entire local economy depends on the price of coffee: when the coffee price falls, everything is not doing well. However, despite how terrible the situation in Africa is, the result of the 2004 WTO Summit didn’t come out well. The summit was specifically targeted at resolving Africa’s poverty since it’s the only continent that is still getting poorer and poorer in the past 20 years. Yet, instead of talking about the resolution of Africa’s poverty, western countries talked mostly about the continuing rise of multinational companies.

  All in all, Black Gold not only demonstrated the unfair monopoly that multinational companies have on third world countries, but it also revealed an insightful question of what people should do when they are facing greater interests and their own consciousness. Just as the cover of this documentary stated: “Your coffee will never taste the same, ” after watching documentary, will the coffee still taste the same?





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