We Only Human

发布时间:2021-12-28 16:45:58

We only humans
God’s flawed creations
Weak-minded, selfish,
Greedy, slothful
Ignorant and arrogant

We only humans
The planet’s intelligent beings,
Believed the sun moves around the earth
Thought the earth is flat
And were convinced of racial Supremacy

We only humans
Homo sapiens’s proudest descendants
Stone, sword, gun and nuclear bomb
Conflicts and wars never stop
But only multiply and intensify

We only humans
A dust in the desert
But yet we found faith
“It’s our faith that makes us overcome the world”
And the devil of greed and lust is chained
And the angel of sharing and loving is free

We only humans
A drop at the sea
Outrun by leopard
Outdone by nature
But yet we found one another
Unite to fence off danger
Collaborate to thrive
Commit to the same course

We only humans
A tiny comet in the galaxy
Mistakes were made
And the price were paid
But yet from past we learned
From blunders we grown
Instead of war, we preach peace
Instead of consume, we shout out giving
Instead of shackles, we carve liberty and freedom.

We only humans
And just because we are humans
It’s our responsibility to dedicate ourselves as a whole
To model and construct a better world
So brace yourselves, my fellow humans
We are in for a hard ride.

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