Core wall(心墙)

发布时间:2021-12-28 16:43:57

There will be a wall in everyone‘s heart
Some people can quickly cross over
Some people are afraid
Isn‘t that a question of one‘s ability
Give up in case of difficulties
At the end of the day, you‘ll find you have no way out
There will be many walls in one‘s life
The more you turn over, the more you gain
Don‘t be afraid, don‘t panic
Try it. The joy of success is self-evident
Some of the walls were built by ourselves
And some are made up of external conditions
These are the stepping stones to your success
If you take this as a burden
Then your life will be ordinary
A lifetime of boundless people
Take it as an adventure, as a treasure hunt
I believe I will find my treasure
I wish I could be happy every day to meet my own wall

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