
发布时间:2022-06-30 21:06:46

  1、An essential purpose of the criminal justice system is to enable purgation to take place; that is, to provide a --------- by which a community expresses its collective --------- the transgression of the criminal.

  (A) catharsis ... outrage at

  (B) disclaimer ... forgiveness of

  (C) means ... empathy with

  (D) procedure ... distaste for

  (E) document ... disapprobation of


  空格Ⅰ之前的动词不定式"to provide..."无疑是对此前的那个不定式结构"to enable purgation to take place"的复述。据此,可将第一个不定式中的purgation一词直接移入空格Ⅰ,则求得同义的(A) catharsis为正确答案。


  catharsis: 渲泄,净化

  empathy: 移情,共鸣

  disapprobation: 不以为然,非难



  2、The Gibsons were little given to ---------- in any form; not one of them was afraid of ----------, of being and seeming unlike their neighbors.

  (A) humility ... absurdity

  (B) excellence ... mediocrity

  (C) anger ... confrontation

  (D) conformism ... singularity

  (E) ostentation ... eccentricity


  空格Ⅱ后面以of引导的介词结构无疑与该空格前的of结构属同一性质,作补充陈述。从"unlike their neighbours"可获取一“与众不同,标新立异”的概念代入空格Ⅱ,则求得(D) singularity和(E) eccentricity为正确。既然第二句陈述"Gibson一家谁都不怕与众不同",这即意味着每人都敢于或愿意表现得与众不同。据此可推知,Gibson一家所不喜欢的是“与众相同”。正确答案为(D)。


  be given to: 习惯于…, 喜欢

  absurdity: 荒谬

  confrontation: 1.正视 2. 冲突,对抗

  ostentation: 炫耀,夸示




  1、An investigation that is ---------- can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is the result of a search in a definite direction.

  (A) timely

  (B) unguided

  (C) consistent

  (D) uncomplicated

  (E) subjective


  在以but连接的两个句子中分别两次涉及“研究”(investigation search)这一概念。从search后面的介词结构in a definite direction可求取其反义词(B) unguided。



  2、The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, --------- between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are --------- to the maintenance of community.

  (A) a compromise ... inimical

  (B) an interdependence. .. subsidiary

  (C) a counterpoint ... incidental

  (D) an equivalence ... prerequisite

  (E) a reciprocity ... conducive



  与此前的"a network of exchanged benefits"在语法上构成同位语,以突出强调“互惠互利”这一概念。(E) reciprocity最好地体现了这一概念。(A) compromise 和(B) interdependence尽管尚能达意,但针对性不强。当然,在空格Ⅱ处,(A)(B)前后不通,(E) "be conducive to"(有利于…)为正确。


  inimical: 1.敌意的 2.有害的,不利的

  subsidiary: 附属的,次要的,补贴的

  counterpoint: 对位法,对比法

  incidental: 伴随的,次要的,偶发的

  equivalence: 相等

  prerequisite: 先决条件的,必要的



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