Windows,8Is′t Me `CoCo°stupid、manforce a smile ζ
醉眼 WhiteIn゜格调 Moment゜毒药 Posion゜姿色 Amor゜失念 pain゜Baby song °close Lover#Zero。Innocence.Nothing like us℡Taurus灬单纯℡Aries灬可爱Because of you,Touch In My Heart °软妹BIAOZI@ !擒妹E!Baby you are my onlyw yζ
HHHHHHHHHHATE、LLLLLLLLLLOVE、Heylove wordszoll-I love you,du you knowHey Gilr?Pcese .Relax* AngelゝLacerate.Drop deadI am supermanuntil you- MAGIClisten to you heartBecause of youforever love `I Will Always Love You.VSa、乀Sad person彡ゾ paper manbig big world -情话 love wordsPretend▲ 虚 伪UR麦hurt
THE POWER OF LOVETHE SHADOW LOVERAS LONG AS YOU LOVE MEprecious、H-oney.Lonely patients.THE POWER OF LOVEDestiny丶执念- Januarius仅得一人心丶徐晨晨Mr. Lee #Mrs.Lee #卡宴handBYHugMy heart will go onTell Me Who You AreOnly
LOVE 丶 MEx1nx1丶L-H(LH=某人名字Different from othersっ、Amrice丶薄凉゛The Hell SongRead.Be with you(^o^)/~ king (D