A.B.C.D * EXO-Beyi 失眠症 insomnia° Catch My Breath@ HEATSNOW? Foreordination(宿命) - PERSIST ° Never part、永远 SUNLIGHT(阳光) KARENLOVE ! Take Me Away ? ° Irony." [讽刺] Anesthesia(麻醉) °interment(埋葬) We Are One° Baby Don't cry tonight stronger 更坚强. 瞬间”Heart Attack Rodma 玩命 妖、BAEK HYUN‘迷 温唇°sunshine Vicious ° 浮浅 Superficial° XOXO Heart to heart.心与心 king。 we are one. wifi。 Exo you’re my life. 安分° Moon Fool 【笨蛋】 Fool 【笨蛋】 say , love me. Lovexo you belong with me,, Don't cry cry Corrupt(堕落) Vampire- Never mind love motion Condoms (避孕套) We Are One 空白 Koreyoshi Blue- Vie° WSY.@ 旧城失词 soul Empress。 @Morning glory #初见。Betray we are young ==。WE ARE ONE 。 Summer. hello hello! 假戏 ▼Hume24