

Every day morning丶when I get uli丶╰ゝ每天早晨起来-----------------------You and sunshine丶are both here丶╰ゝ你和阳光都在-----------------------his is I want丶future丶╰ゝ这就是我想要的未来______________ ◇じ☆ve丶Memory is the dog( 回忆是条狗 )Bite after it goe( 咬完它就走 )伤口不好、The woun...

英文分组 2022-04-13 02:48:25 赞(48) 阅读(1671)


In the best of time在最美的时光To do what you want to去做想做的事To see want see去见想见的人Yonth without regret不留遗憾的青春我在等一个拥抱I am waiting for a hug拥抱我所有的不安hug all my uneasine说好的幸福呢Say good happine你都忘了吗Did you forget你从未入戏You never play我却陪上了自己I lost myself...

英文分组 2021-12-06 15:36:47 赞(82) 阅读(3005)


★- Just remember。- I will you ,╭⌒⌒╮╮╰﹀﹀╭⌒╮╮〃〃 ╰﹀﹀╯ 〃〃〃〃 -- --Je t' aime 、 ﹗ ∕ — 〇 -- ╱ ︱ ヽ the sky clear after the rai╱◣ ◇ 〞◥╱  。BonnenuIt_______゛浅时光こ____GoodnIght_______゛淡年华こ____Sunflower_______゛旧萤火こ____Captivate_______゛景漠然こ...

英文分组 2022-05-26 22:02:58 赞(90) 阅读(1157)

我三分钟热度 缺爱了你好久

比起千疮百孔.Compared with hole.我更喜欢.I prefer.一刀致命.A fatal knife.带上老友.With old friends.说着故事.Tell story.吹吹冷风.The cold wind blow.喝杯烈酒.Drink a cup of wine. ̄Loving- 我三分钟热度I heat for three minute- 却爱你好久They love you long time...

英文分组 2022-04-13 06:29:42 赞(36) 阅读(446)

我能看懂的 都已经消失不见了

I understand我看懂°Then the wind那时的风°Snow then那时的雪°At the time of fault那时的错°Then the dream那时的梦°Has disappeared已经消失不见°[要百毒不侵]To iro[要蛇蝎心肠]To be cruel[要刀枪不入]To invulnerability[这才叫坚强]This is a strongbloodsuckerspiritdemoLordAngellHere the Pixie-catFor a l...

英文分组 2022-04-13 08:31:44 赞(6) 阅读(2351)

一个人的想念 两个人的画

-I wish I can- accompany you to wander,- I hope we can-enduring as the universeHe gave me[ 他给予给我的 ]always just a shadow[ 永远只是背影 ]and a vague outline[ 和模糊的轮廓 ]But I want to be[ 但是我想成为 ]his favorite meet[ 他动心的相遇 ], 、,、`. ,′.Miss a lierson ̄two lieolile ofthe...

英文分组 2022-04-13 08:28:19 赞(11) 阅读(1592)

坚持不下去的时候 再坚持一会儿

You appear inadvertentl[你出现在无意中]Shake me deeply[却深深撼动我]love is beautifulso beautiful┍━━━┑┕ =ら= ┙When in doubt坚持不下去的时候just take thenext small steli再坚持一会儿。Just as love   就如旧爱丶One day'll be forgotte 有天总会忘记丶Originally thought  当初竟以为丶Can lov...

英文分组 2022-04-12 13:56:51 赞(76) 阅读(1952)

英文带字分组 我嫉妒你的爱 气势如虹

If love is clear-纵然喜欢清澈But in a muddy-却身处一片浑浊feared of you cold eye-害怕你冰冷的眼see transliarent heart-盯着我透明的心[我嫉妒你的爱]I am jealous of your love[气势如虹]DarlingYou left me你留给我的.alone and memories除了孤单与回忆.what the hell is left到底还剩下什么....

英文分组 2022-04-13 06:04:49 赞(16) 阅读(1683)

QQ英文分组 A perso

Must want to me[一定要想我]Must read me[一定要念我]Must love me[一定要爱我]I can not abando[不能抛弃我]A perso[一个人]A dream[一场梦]An empty city[一座空城]Life of pai[一生心痛]Dear亲爱的that is not love那不是爱情that is on a whim那是一时兴起...

英文分组 2022-04-12 10:05:38 赞(42) 阅读(982)

QQ英文分组 Stop it

|.мīss.чou、我想你じò ぴé 、чou、我愛你[别闹了]Stop it[回来好么]Back right[闹够了没]Trouble enough yet[闹够了]Trouble enough[就回来]On the back[ 牵手]Hand in hand[ 相守]Be together[ 白首]white head...

英文分组 2022-04-12 14:54:39 赞(8) 阅读(2455)

