
发布时间:2019-08-13 11:35:24

1、 I want my senior year to be magic,and the only way that’s gonna happen is if I get to spend every minute of every day with you.我希望的高三这年能充满奇迹,而美梦成真的唯一途径就是我能每时每刻都跟你在一起。

2、She has to wear a watch on both wrists,because she covers two time zones.She is so fat.她两只手都得戴表,因为她身体横跨两个时区了,胖的无法直视。。。


4、No matter how depressed you get,no matter how hopeless or alone you feel,you’ll try your best to imagine all of the amazing experiences you have ahead of you.无论你多么伤心,无论你多么孤独无望,都要试着去想象未来即将拥有的那些神奇经历.

5、You can’t change your past,but you can let go and start your future.过去的一切无法改变,但你可以放手,向前看,开始新生活。

6、Without passion, you can’t succeed.没有激情,谈何成功?!

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