《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》的读后感大全

发布时间:2022-03-07 23:24:39

  《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》是一本由Naval Ravikant / Eric Jorgenson著作,Magrathea Publishing出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 12.84,页数:242,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》读后感(一):中文版分享


  这是本人在阅读英文原版的过程,顺便翻译的,放在这里作参考阅读。 水平有限,如有错漏,敬请指正。这本书纠正了我一些关于财富和幸福的概念,一定程度上刷新了我在这方面的认知。虽然以前也读过很多关于财富方面的书,但还是觉得这本对财富的定义比较直接。

  《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》读后感(二):The Almanack of Naval Ravikant 金句摘录与感悟


  Inspiration is perishable—act on it immediately.


  If there’s something you want to do later, do it now. There is no “later.



  Be present.

  每天都是余生的第一天,过去的人生已经消失,未来的人生需要自己来创造,只有此刻才真正属于我。因此,要把握好当下,享受好当下,follow my heart。

  The ability to singularly focus is related to the ability to lose yourself and be present, happy, and (ironically) more effective.

  Focus on what you’re doing right now. 学会让内心的杂念平静下来,学会放空大脑,抛开杂念,全心投入你正在做的事情里。你将会变得更加高效率,而且更快乐。

  Your life is a firefly blink in a night. You’re here for such a brief period of time… All that matters is you experience your reality as you go through life. Why not interpret it in the most positive possible way?


  The world just reflects your own feelings back at you. Reality is neutral. Reality has no judgements.



  The sooner you can accept it as a reality, the sooner you can adapt to it.



  It’s such a poisonous emotion because, at the end of the day, you’re no better off with jealousy… If you’re not willing to do a wholesale, 24/7, 100 percent swap with who that person is, then there is no point in being jealous.


  The reality is life is a single-player game. You’re born alone. You’re going to die alone. All of your interpretations are alone. All your memories are alone.



  All benefits in life come from compound interest, whether in money, relationships, love, health, activities, or habits.


  Much of finding great relationships, great coworkers, great lovers, wives, husbands, is finding other people where your values line up.


  Building judgement

  I probably read one to two hours a day. That puts me in the top .00001 percent.


  Run uphill. If you have two choices to make, and they’re relatively equal choices, take the path more difficult and more painful in the short term… most of the gains in life come from suffering in the short term so you can get paid in the long term.


  If you can’t decide, the answer is no…It’s very, very important we only say yes when we are pretty certain… If you cannot decide, the answer is no.


  “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”—Buddhist saying

  永远要记得,做自己, just be yourself. 只有这样,人才是最放松的,也是最有自信、最有魅力的。

  Building wealth

  If you have too many of these moral shortcomings, you will not respect yourself. The worst outcome in this world is not having self-esteem. If you don’t love yourself, who will?... you just have to be very careful about doing things you are fundamentally not going to be proud of, because they will damage you.


  Leo 20215月12日

  《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》读后感(三):读 Naval Ravikant

  原文发布于个人博客 https://menghanzhang.com/blog/naval-ravikant/Naval Ravikant 是谁?AngelList CEO,200 多家创业公司的天使投资人,发 Tweet 的人,内容创作者…… 我在过去某期的 Newsletter 里推荐了他在 The Knowledge Project 的播客采访,一个多小时听下来,有太多令人深思的点,来不及做笔记。后来又找到 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant 这本书,集合了他在各处散落的思考,内容基本覆盖了他在播客里讲到的点。这本书的诞生过程挺有意思,作者 Eric Jorgenson 一开始是以陌生人的身份在 Twitter 上问 Naval 能不能把他的东西整理成书,Naval 同意了,然后就有了这本书。整个项目是公共服务性质的,电子版可以免费获得。

  如果有年度书籍评选的话,The Almanack of Naval Ravikant 大概是我的年度最佳之一。Naval 在人生、财富、幸福、创造方面的智慧,给了我很多启发。一方面读的时候有无数「啊,就是这样!」这样拍桌叫好、心有戚戚焉的时刻,另一方面又有许多非常规的观点和看待事物的角度,每一处都让人反思良久。


  人生的意义是什么?Naval 给出的三个答案:

  《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》读后感(四):对纳瓦尔·拉维康特观点总结的总结

  Ravikant是谁Ravikant是印度裔移民,达特茅斯毕业,计算机经济学双学位。 1999年联合创建了Epinions,一个消费品评论网站,07年创建风投基金Hit Forge,10年联合创建天使投资平台AngelList。

  最初知道Ravikant是因为Joe Rogan Show的那期节目,然后完全被他的洞见和风度震撼到。接着又去刷了他的推特、播客和视频,感觉获益良多。






  本文主要是对Ravikant在youtube上内容的阅读笔记。另外,Eric Jorgenson把他的访谈整理成了一本书,[email protected]/* */,视觉效果相当惊艳。






  Ravikant无疑是我见过最能聊的人。其他的聊天高手,周孝正讲的是段子,罗振宇背后是一个团队,高晓松好歹还需要后期剪辑,但Ravikant在Joe Rogan Show的三个小时每一分钟都是洞见。不但是洞见,而且是妙语连珠,浑不费力,排练过一般流畅的洞见。

















  所以,当你闷闷不乐的时候,问一问自己,这背后的欲望是什么。欲望是一件好事,它让你有所成就。但是不要有太多欲望,不要有了欲望却自己都意识不到。哎呀这咖啡太凉了,天气太热了,孩子太不听话了... 挑出你最想要的那个欲望。允许自己忍受这一个欲望带来的痛苦。但是在其他的事情上,你得学会放弃。

  如果你能专注到一个欲望上,持之以恒的努力,这个欲望就会变成现实。当然,即使你得到了梦寐以求的东西,你也只会欣喜若狂一阵子,然后对这个东西习以为常。 升职加薪会让你在随后的几个月达到一个幸福的峰值,然后逐渐回归平稳,变得和从前一模一样。












  Naval Ravikant 就是一个这样的人。他有一个很有名的长推特,一共40条,题目叫做《如何变得富有(不靠运气)》,谈了他的财富观。

  和菜头把它们翻译成了中文版。另外,Naval Ravikant 在各种访谈和播客中解释了这些观点,并被人总结成了一篇长文。





  另外,Ravikant相当一部分的观点,应该是借鉴了Paul Graham的长文 How to Make Wealth。阮一峰老师有翻译,非常值得一读。见《黑客与画家》第二章。

































  特殊知识往往来自于两个领域知识的结合。与其在一件事上做到前百分之一,不如在两件事上做到前百分之二十。两个领域的结合会产生1 1>2的效果。












  最后附上Naval Ravikant的推特原文,『如何在不靠运气的情况下变得富有。』


  《The Almanack of Naval Ravikant》读后感(五):读书笔记 - How to Get Rich

  ==== 写在前面 ====

  关于Naval Ravikant

  Naval Ravikant是成功的连续创业者(AngleList 创始人)、天使投资人(曾投资Twitter、Uber、Yammer、Stack等)、狂热数字货币推崇者、硅谷大佬。


  一开始是Naval Ravikant发了一个很长的推特谈自己的财富观,一共40条金句,引起网络上的极大反响。之后,Naval接受了播客采访,对于这40条逐一做出了解释。访谈进行了约3.5小时,文字记录约43000 单词,内容非常全面,全文被梳理总结并刊登在:https://nav.al/rich


  一个叫Eric Jorgenson的陌生人在 Twitter 上问 Naval 能不能把他的东西整理成书,Naval 同意了,于是Eric Jorgenson把他的访谈整理成书,并作为公益提供免费下载。书的内容方面在guide to wealth方面与 有较多重复,在guide to happiness方面有一些补充,全书242页:https://navalmanack.s3.amazonaws.com/Eric-Jorgenson_The-Almanack-of-Naval-Ravikant_Final.pdf


  以下是我自己对播客内容的再梳理。如果对内容不感兴趣或读不完,那可能无需阅读原文。毕竟,我的摘要“只”有3000左右单词,比原文43000 单词还是要短很多......



  ====Wealth and Status ====

  · Wealth: Assets or businesses that earn while you sleep

  · Wealth game is competitive, as everybody wants it, but it isa positive-sum game.It is not about taking money from somebody else (zero-sum). It is about creating value and abundance for the society so everyone is richer or better-off (positive-sum).Status is a zero-sumgame. To win, you have to put somebody else down.

  · Wealth buys you freedom. Once you are free, you are still gonna work because you got to do something with your life, but you can work on only the things that you want, when you want. And then you have much more creative expression, and much less about money.

  · Making money is not about luck, it is about skill set.

  ====Make Luck Your Destiny ====

  · Different types of luck: 1. Blind luck; 2. Luck from hustling (keep trying); 3. Luck from preparation; 4. Luckfrom your character (reputation, creditability, network etc.).

  · If you’re a trusted, reliable, high-integrity, long-term thinking dealmaker, then when other people want to do deals butdon’t know how to do them, they will approach you and give you a cut of the deal just because of the integrity and reputation that you have built up.

  · Renting out your time means you are essentially replaceable. You can’t earn non-linearly when you’re renting out your time. “You can’t be normal and expect abnormal returns.” You must own equity, a piece of the business to gain your financial freedom. It can be a piece of stock option, a business or some kind of IP.

  · Don’t run out to upgrade that house, and lifestyle, and all that stuff. “The most dangerous things are heroin, anda monthly salary.” Because they are highly addictive. The way you want to get wealthy is you want to be poor, and working, and working, andworking.

  · Give society what it wants, but doesn’t know how to get at scale. Society wants new things. Society wants technology. Figure out what product you can provide to the society. Sharpen your skillset and capabilities on it. Then figure out how to make the product or service available to more people, in a profitable way, in a self-sustaining way.

  · The Internet allows you to scale any niche obsession. The internet connects everybody. You can find your audience for your product, or your talent, and skill no matter how far away they are.That is its superpower you want to use.

  ====Pick Business Partners =====

  · Play long-term game with long-term people, not just for compound interest but also for trust. Long-term players make each other rich. When you switch industries, you arestating over from scratch. You wander out of your network, you’re not going to know who to trust. They’re not going to know to trust you. Returns come from compound interest in iterated games

  · Pick business partners with high intelligence, energy and integrity. Motivation has to come intrinsically. Delegate to people who are actually good at the thing that youwant them to do.

  · Integrity is what someone does, despite what they say they do. We all know that socially if someone treats a waiter, or waitress in arestaurant really badly, then it’s only a matter of time until they treat you badly.

  · Self-esteem. Good people, moral people, ethical people, easy to work with people, reliable people, tend to have very high self-esteem because they have very good reputations with themselves. It’s not ego. Ego can be undeserved, but self-esteem at least you feel like you lived up to your own internal moral code of ethics.

  · Partner With Rational Optimists. Know all the pitfalls. Know the downsides, but still keep your chin up.

  ====Arm Yourself With Specific Knowledge =====

  · Pursue your innate talents, your genuine curiosity, and your passion, thenbuilding those specific knowledge will feel like play to you. I think if you go around trying to build it a little too deliberately, if you become too goal-oriented on the money, then youwon’t actually pick the thing that you love to do, so you won’t go deep enough into it.

  · Whatever you are a natural at, you want to double down on that, whether you area socialite, anaturalprogrammer, a natural salesperson. There are probably multiple things you’re natural at, take the things that you are natural at and combine them. It’s much easier to be top 5 percentile at three or four things than it is to be literally the number one at something.

  ====Read What You Love Until You Love to Read =====

  · The foundation of learning is reading. The most important thing is just to learn how to educate yourself and the way to educate yourself is to develop a love for reading.

  · Things you read early on will program your brain a certain way, and then later things that you read, you will decide whether those things are true or false based on the earlier things. So, it is important that you read foundational things - the original books in a given field that are veryscientific in their nature.

  · There is no skill called business. Avoid business magazines and business class, study microeconomics, game theory, psychology,persuasion, ethics, mathematics and computers.

  · The ultimate foundation are mathematics and logic. If you understand logic and mathematics, then you have the basis for understanding thescientific method. Once you understand the scientific method, then you canunderstand how to separate truth from falsehood.

  · It’s better to go through a book really slowly and struggle and stumble and rewind, than it is to fly through 50 books in the field.It’s that understanding that comes through repetition and through usage and through logic and foundations that really makes you a smart thinker.

  · If you’re good with computers, if you’re good at basic mathematics, if you’re good at writing, if you’re good at speaking, and if you like reading, you’re set for life.

  · A lot of people think they can become really skilled at something by watching others do it, or even by reading about others doing it. And going back to the business school case study. In reality, you’re going to learn a lot more about running a business by operating your own lemonade stand or even opening a little retail store down the street.

  ======= Different Kinds of Leverage =======

  · To get rich, you’re going to need leverage. Leverage comes inlabor, comes in capital, or it can come through code or media.To get these things, you have to build up credibility and you have to do those under your own name as much as possible, which is risky. Accountabilityis a double-edged thing.

  · Labor leverage: Managing other people is incredibly messy. It requires tremendous leadership skills.It’s incredibly competed over.You want the minimum amount of people working with you that are going to allow you to use the other forms of leverage, which I would argue are much more interesting.

  · Capital Leverage. A powerful form of leverage. It can be converted to labor. It can be converted to other things.It scales very, very well. If you get good at managing capital, you can manage more capital,much more easily than you can manage more people.The hard part with capital is how do you obtain it?If you have specific knowledge in a domain and if you’re accountable and you have a good name in that domain, then people are going to give you capital.

  · Product leverage. Products that have no marginal cost of replication. This is the new form of leverage. Media leverage got started with the printing press. It accelerated with broadcast, and blown up with the Internet and with coding.

  · Tech start-ups combine all of the above leverages

  ====== Judgementis the Decisive Skill =======

  · Judgment: knowing the long-term effects of your decisions, or being able to predict the long-term effects of your decisions.

  · Leverage is a force multiplier of your judgement.

  · Intellect without any experience is often worse than useless because you get the confidence that the intellect gives you, and you get some of the credibility, but because you had no skin in the game, and you had no real experience, and no real accountability, you’re just throwing darts.

  · The people with the best judgment are among the least emotional. Emotions are what prevent you from seeing what’s actually happening. The more outraged someone is, the worse their judgment.

  · Top investors often sound like philosophers. What investors need is very, very broad-based judgment and thinking. The best way to do that is to study everything, including a lot of philosophy. Philosophy also makes you morestoic, makes you less emotional, and so you make better decisions; you have better judgment.

  ======== Your time and your wealth ========

  · You can’t penny-pinch your way to basic sustenance.You can keep expenses low and maybe retire early. That’s perfectly valid. But if you’re going to create wealth, it has to be your number-one, overwhelming priority.

  · Factor your time into every decision. Set an aspirational Hourly Rate. If you canoutsource something for less than your hourly rate, do it. You may want to make your own healthy, home-cooked meals. But if you can outsource it, do that instead.

  · If getting wealthy is your goal, you have to decide:

  1. What you work on - When you’re building abusiness, or a career, first figure out:“What should I be doing? Where is a market emerging? What’s a product I can build that I’m excited to work on, where I have specific knowledge?”

  2. Who you work with - surround yourself with the best people possible. If there’s someone greater out there to work with, go work with them.When people ask for advice about choosing the right startup to join, I say, “Pick the one that’s going to have the best alumni network for you in the future.”

  3. Then work as hard as you can

  · Impatience with actions, patience with results - When you do these things, do them as quickly as you can and with your full attentionso you do them well.Then be patient with the results because you’re dealing with complex systems and a lot of people.

  · Don't copy desires from people around us. Be careful when you get caught up in status games. You end up competing over things that aren’t worth competing over.

  · When you’re being authentic, you don’t mind competition that much. It pisses you off and inspires some fear, jealousy and other emotions. But you don’t really mind because you’re oriented towards the goal and the mission.

  · Your eventual outcome =

  Distinctiveness of yourspecific knowledge

  XLeverage you apply to that knowledge

  XCorrect judgment

  XAccountability for the outcome

  XHow much society values what you’redoing

  Then you compound that with how long you can keep doing it and how long you can keep improving it through reading and learning.

  · The best founders listen to everyone but make up their own mind. When something is sentyour way, youhave to quickly decide: Is it true? Is it true in my context? Do I want to apply it? You have to reject most advice. But you have to listen to enough of it, and read enough of it, to know what to reject and what to accept.

  =====A Calm Mind,a Fit Body, a House Full of Love====

  · When you’re wealthy, you’ll realize it wasn’t what you were seeking. The first thing you realize when you’ve made abunch of money is that you’re still the same person. If you’re happy, you’re happy. If you’re unhappy, you’re unhappy. If you’re calm and fulfilled andpeaceful, you’re still that same person.

  · A fit body, a calm mind anda house full of lovecannot be bought—they must be earned. Even if you have all the money in the world, you can’t have those three things.Your health, your mental health and your close relationships—are things you have to cultivate. They can bring you a lot more peace and happiness than any amount of money ever will.

  · Find three hobbies: One that makes you money, one that keeps you fit, andone that makes you creative.

  ==== ProductizeYourself ====

  · We Should eventually be Working for Ourselves. But we will have to make sacrifices and take on more risk. You may have to take on more accountability and live with less steady income. This advice is for anybody who wants to be entrepreneurial.

  · When we’re in our 30s, 40s and 50s, we already have a lot invested. We have a lot of obligations.But that’s when it actually can be themostfruitful.Maybe it can inform your weekend projects, your approach to education, an online course atnight etc.. Maybe it can inform what roles you take on at your current company.

  · People naturally want to move up the corporate ladder; but that’s mostly about managing other people. You want to manage more capital, products, media and community. Think about moving to adifferent organization or creating their own company to get more leverage.

  · In a smaller organization you will have more accountability, and your work will be more visible. You’re more likely to be able to try different things, which can help you discover the thing you are uniquely good at. A good progression for a career: Start in a large company and progressively move to smaller and smaller ones. It’s very hard to go from a small company to a larger company. Larger companies tend to be more about politics than merit; they’re more stable but less innovative.

  · Once you’ve been in business long enough, you will realize how much of it is about trust.Acting ethically turns outto be a selfish imperative. You want to be ethical because it attracts other long-term players in the network. They want to do business with ethical people.

  =====Principal - Agent Problem =====

  · If you’re an employee, your most important job is to think like a principal.If you think and act like an owner, it’s only a matterof time until you become an owner. If you align yourself with a good principal, they will promote you or empower you or give you accountability or leverage that may be way out of proportion to your relatively menial role.

  · If you're a principal, when you do business deals, it’s better to have an aligned partnership that has the where you both have the same incentives than a partnership where you have the advantage in the deal. Because eventually the other person will figure it and the partnership will fall apart.

  · Deal with small firms to avoid the principal-agent problem. Big firm has more experience, more people, bigger brand. But you’ll find the principal and the agent are highly separated.I prefer to work with boutiques. My ideal law firm is a law firm of one. My ideal banker is a solo banker. The accountability is extremely high.

  · Negotiations are won by whoever cares less. If you want something too badly, the other person can extract more value from you. If someone is taking advantage of you in a negotiation, your best option is to turn it from a short-term game into a long-term game. Try to bring reputation into the negotiation.Convert single-move games to multi-move games:

  · “Actually, I need two different projects done. The first project we’ll do together, and based on that I’ll decide if wedo the second project.”

  · “I’m going to do this project with you, and I have three friends who want projects done who are waiting to see the outcome of this project.”

  · Another way is to write a Yelp or Thumbtack review.

  · It’s better to have a few compounding relationships than many shallow ones. Most of the benefits of compounding come at the end.

  =======Finding Time to Invest in Yourself ========

  · If you have to work a “normal job,” take on accountability to build your specific knowledge

  § Try to learn something that people haven’t quite figured out how to teach yet. That can happen if you’re working in a new and quickly expanding field—where thedetails matter and it’s always moving.

  § If can’t learn in an apprenticeship model because you need to make money, try to be innovative in the context of your job. Take on new challenges and responsibilities. Find the part of the job with the steepest learning curve.

  § Accountability is something you can take on immediately.You have to put yourself in positions where you can exercise judgment.Leverage is something that society gives you after you’ve demonstrated judgment.

  § Work in a way that your outputs are visible and measurable.

  · Specific knowledge can be timely or timeless

  · If you become a world-class expert in machine learning,you’re going to do really well now. But in 20 years,the world may have moved on to something else. That’stimelyknowledge.

  · If you’re good at persuading people, it’s always going to apply, because persuading people is always going to be valuable. That’stimelessknowledge.Timelessspecific knowledge usually can’t be taught, and it sticks with you forever.

  · Now, persuasion is a generic skill —not enough to build a career on. You need to combine it in a skill stack. You might combine persuasion with accounting and an understanding of semiconductor production lines, to become the best semiconductor salesperson and, later on, the best semiconductor company CEO.

  · Technology is, by definition, the intellectual frontier. It’s taking things from science and culture that we have not figured out how to mass produce or create efficiently and figuring out how to commercialize it and make it available to everybody.

  · Scale your specific knowledge with apprentices.Once you get some specific knowledge, you can scale it by training your own apprentices and outsourcing tasks to them.

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