《Poor Economics》是一本由Abhijit Banerjee / Esther Duflo著作,PublicAffairs出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 26.99,页数:320,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
《Poor Economics》精选点评:
●Attend to the details, and learn how people make decisions. That's the most useful lesson I learnt from this book.
●尽管作者相对乐观, 看完之后更加深了everyone deserves his life.如果想过跌宕起伏精彩的人生, 那就是贫穷的一生. 稳定的中产才应该是追求. 有保障的生活会更有自控力和明智的判断. 自控力也会惰性的. 同情源于少年不自知的万能幻想.
●the way of certain poverty case cannot apply to others...What is the answer?
●a very intriguing and insightful read that challenges the common narrative of the poor and how policies/politics work in the developing country. It's the lazy and formulaic thinking that stops us nurturing tangible progress and making a difference, as gradual and slow as they may be
《Poor Economics》读后感(一):随机控制实验的凯歌
《Poor Economics》读后感(二):先得有一个信念
《Poor Economics》读后感(三):贫穷,是思想意识的问题
《Poor Economics》读后感(四):一种新的科学研究方法随机试错法randomised trials在贫困学研究中的应用
关于贫困和创业,作者也做了很好的分析,贫困的人创业比例更高,主要的原因是,他们不得不创业。Developing countries are not full of billions of budding entrepreneurs; they are full of billions of budding salarymen.
有些人认为坏的zz会胜过好的政策,bad politics will always trump good policy,作者持否定意见,Why bother figuring out the best way to spend a dollar on education, when $0.87 will be diverted into the pockets of officials?
《Poor Economics》读后感(五):Fear of Poverty Trap
I would be too selfish if I conclude myself as being poor compared to the vast true poor families. However, I was born poor which resulted in a long-lasting fear of poverty.
During the first chapters, the authors explored three possible poverty traps: food, healthcare, and education. The two biggest takeaways as an individual are that human beings have their natural weaknesses and the poor need to trump these weaknesses better than the rich so that they could have a chance to win. Also, I should have not been too proud of being me today. I did work hard and earned this, but I am also a boat rising with the higher tide. There is a minor hope for the poor though. The problems afflict everyone including the rich. If it is a game, there will be some rich people losing and making room for climbers.
A citation here: "The poor seem to be trapped by the same kinds of problems that afflict the rest of us - lack of information, weak beliefs, and procrastination among them. It is sure that we who are not poor are somewhat better educated and informed, but the difference is small because, in the end, we actually know very little, and almost surely less than we imagine". "In other words, we rarely need to draw upon our limited endowment of self-control and decisiveness, while the poor are constantly being required to do so."
这三章我觉得是关键。后面我正在读。读到family这一章时,我对其中的只言片语特别是ABCD等各种防治HIV的措施在不同的女校造成的不同的影响会心一笑。但也对其中提到的family-decision making out of norms and social expectations 表示警惕。我想通过科技的进步,也许可以改善这个问题。