The master’s function is not to save you

发布时间:2022-07-13 19:31:34

  注:本文之上文是 成为佛的朋友是个极大的挑战 。Note: below is the following part of Becoming a friend of Buddha is a great challenge .

  It is the h form of love where nothing is asked for, no con, where one simply enjoys giving. One gets much – but that is secondary, and that happens of its own accord. 


  To create a state of love between the master and the means we are avoiding the of surrender; we are making the responsible. Surrender becomes, in most of the cases, an ... because the thinks, ”I have surrendered to the master – now it is his respons to change me, to transform me, to take me to the heights where he belongs.” He starts th in terms of the master as the savior, that ”I have found the savior; now I will believe and have faith in him and he is to save me.” 


  That’s what all the rel of the world are doing. They have found the savior, and they have all their respons. Now it is the duty of Jesus or Krishna or Buddha to take you in their arms an you into the h state of being. 


  ow, this is not possible. Nobody can take you to the ultimate; you will have to go on your own, alone. The master’s function is not to save you: his function is to show you the path. You have to save yourself. 


  Except for you there is no one who can become your savior. 


  eople have never thought about it: The moment you think somebody else can save you, you are becoming on somebody else. An is not the right way to reach to the high peaks of consc, – total – freedom. You are cutting your wings with your own hands, and now you will not be able to fly to the moon. 


  The moment you think of your master as a friend, you save him from the respons of being your savior, and you save yourself by becoming responsible, by taking the whole path – its , its beauties, its anguishes and its ecstasies... accepting everything with tremendous respons. 


  You are alone, an you have to seek an. And only in your ultimate aloneness will you find it. The master can only show you the path. He is only a finger po to the moon. He is certainly a great frien what he is to you is the greatest bliss in life. 


  Ex moves in two ways. One is the hor way, like a straight line moving from A to B, from B to C, up to X Y Z. You start becoming more and more alive. 


  erhaps at point A you were just a stone. Yes, there is some kind of life in the rocks too, because they grow. The H are still growing higher, every year one foot. They are still young an full of energy to go higher. They are the h mountains in the world – seem to be in energy, as if they want to touch the stars. 


  I was born near a mountain which is the oldest mountain in the world, V. It came out of the ocean at the very beg – the first mountain in the world. It is the oldest; ancient... it has stoppe for m of years. It is so old that there is a beautiful story about it. 


  One great sage was going to his message towards the south – V is just in the middle of India – and for the old sage to cross the mountain was really . Seeing the of the old sage, V bent down, just as if somebody were touching your feet, an the way to the sage. And the sage said, ”Remain as you are, because I will have to come back again, and by that time I will be even older. So please wait for me!” But the sage never came back; he died in the south, so V is still bent. 


  I have been to the place where the sage went; it is still bent like an old man. But it is the most ancient; nothing grows, it has come to a full stop. But it did grow sometime in the past. 


  The H are the newest mountains, the latest mountains in the world to have come out of the ocean. They are still growing, becoming higher an. 


  Even rocks grow, so don’t think they don’t have life; but the life is very , very asleep – not even a dream, just and deep sleep. But it is still life, maybe the most pr – at point ”A” of a hor line. 


  o there in the hor line is man. An are men ahead of you, but they are not higher than you. There is Albert E – he is ahead of you, you may perhaps be miles back, but it is the same line... a linear progress. The between you and him may be miles, but it is the same road. Even if somebody reaches the very end of the line, reaches Z, then too he becomes at the most Zorba the Greek. 


  I have loved the name ”Zorba the Greek” for so many reasons. One is because Z is the last letter in the alphabet. He is the Z; he is the end of the line. He is more alive than any man, but his al does not make him higher than you. His al is more like a wil – but ; full of energy, v, but blind, with no eyes to see. Yes, he can dance, but his dance will not have anything of in it. It will be tremen powerful but it will remain earthly. 


  The hor line moves on the earth. You can become at the most Zorba the Greek, but your unconsc will still be your life; you will still be groping in . You will still be unaware that there is another also – the vertical . 


  The vertical moves from A to a higher A. It goes on moving higher, but it remains the same energy, A becoming purified, becoming more conscious, becoming more alert; ult becoming fully conscious. It does not move from A to B, from B to C; it simply moves from A1 to A2, to A3, to A4. At point A4 something happens that we call the awakened one. 


  Life moving hor remains simply life; life moving vert becomes consc. 


  It becomes consc, it becomes a new phenomenon. Hor life always has a goal to it, it is goal-or. When you are at B, your eyes are focused on C. When you are at point B, you are not there at all; either you are th of point A that you have left behind – your past, all your yesterdays, your memories – or you are projecting into the future: B, C, E... up to Z, a whole long line of goals. 


  Your mind is either in the yesterdays or in the tomorrows, but it is never herenow. You are never where you are; you are always somewhere else, where you are not. 


  This is the whole tension of the human mind, that it is always absent where it is actually present, and it is present where it is not actually present – an ever be present in any possible way. 


  If you are at point B, you are at point B: you can only think of C, you can it. You can have memories of the past and you can have of the future – but you are in the present. 


  未完待续,译自:OSHO Light on the Path

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