
发布时间:2022-06-19 08:30:10

姓名:    xxx    国籍:    中国   
目前所在地:    清远    民族:    汉族
户口所在地:    湖南    身材:   162cm 54kg
婚姻状况:    未婚    年龄:   28岁

人才类型:    普通求职 
应聘职位:    船务:出口船务   跟单员 英文跟单员   物流 物流
工作年限:     职称:    中级
求职类型:    全职    可到职日期:    一个月
月薪要求:   3500--5000    希望工作地区:    广州 深圳 湖南
个人工作经历:    工 作 经 验
2000/07-- 新联达(清远)塑料制品有限公司 [美商独资]
计划部 计划员

毕业院校:    湖南轻工业高等专科学校
最高学历:    大专    毕业日期:   2000-06-01
所学专业一:    中英文秘    所学专业二:    行政管理
受教育培训经历:   1997/09--2000/06湖南轻工业高等专科学校管理工程系     中英文秘 大专
主修文秘、英语、外贸、办公自动化、行政管理、档案学、统计学、市场营销、西方经济学等课程,经过本人的努力,在三年中多次获得奖学金,并取得中级文秘资格证书,顺利通过全国大学英语四级考试。在校期间本人积极参加“共产主义理想实践队”、“英语俱乐部”等社团组织的活动,并长期坚持勤工俭学。毕业时被授予 “2000年湖南轻工业高等专科学校优秀毕业生”和“2000年湖南省优秀毕业生”等荣誉称号。

外语:    英语 良好       
国语水平:    优秀    粤语水平:    一般



    我于1978年8月28日出生于湖南省慈利县,自幼养成勤劳、善良、忠诚、勤奋、自立自强的优良品质。本人品学兼优,不仅学习勤奋,在同学当中也很有人缘,高中毕业时被推举为“张家界市三好学生”,大学毕业时被授予“2000年湖南轻工业高等专科学校优秀毕业生”、“2000年湖南省普通高等学校优秀毕业生 ”等荣誉称号。



english resume:    resume

name: lizhi li (paul li) gender: male
date of birth:1978/08/28mobile: 013926660052
function: planning & international direct shipments         0763-3977416
current salary:30,000-40,000(rmb)/year work experience:5years
email: @; lizhi_li@
keyword summary
an honest boy with strong time idea, carefulness, patience, seriousness and hard-working, be willing to study and take up any challenge, always trying my best to complete everything successfully.
career objective
type of employment: full-time                  desired salary: rmb3,500-5,000/month
desired position: logistics (shipping), overseas customer service, production management
work experience
2000/07--     sunlanda (qing yuan) toys & plastics co., ltd.  [america enterprise]
planning department planning & international direct shipments
this company is specialized in pvc vinyl zipper bags, i’m responsible for all international direct shipments, including customer service, production schedule, logistics (shipping), preparing all necessary export documents. beginning from march,2005, i’m also responsible for all subcontract business. i have some acknowledgement on mrp system and iso9001:2000 too.
1997/09--2000/06hunan light industry college
chinese & english secretary associate
during my college life, i have learned secretary, english, international business, oa, administration management, file, statistics, sales & marketing, western economic etc. as a result of my hard working, i gained scholarship more than once, passed national college english test (cet) band-4, and have gained qualification certificate of intermediate secretary. also, i joined in some campus clubs such as english club, communism volunteer organization etc.; lived a part-work and part-study life for years; was given the honors “hunan light industry college2000th excellent graduate” & “hunlan province2000th excellent college graduate”.
2002/5         sunlanda (qing yuan) toys & plastic co., ltd.     designing product spec.
under mr. ken ku’s instruction, who is from its’ head office in , leaning how to design product specifications, which describes material requests, size and position of each panel in both english and chinese, for plants doing samples & price quotes purpose just according to messages or drawings provided by customers or salesmen.
2003/2        gateway language village (zhuhai city)                    i spend my spring festival holiday on its’ one week special english course.
computer skills
i am familiar with office family systems and internet and intranet.
language skills
english, very good; chinese (mandarin), fluent; cantonese, good
1999/12qualification certificate of intermediate secretary
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