Signed at:_________
Total in:_________pages
│甲方: │乙方: │
│Party A: │Party B: │
│地址: │地址: │
│Address: │Address: │
│邮编Post Code: │邮编Zip Code: │
│电话Tel.: │电话Tel.: │
│传真Fax: │传真Fax: │
│E-mail: │E-mail: │
Party A and Party B hereof signed this agreement on the basis of fair, voluntary, and mutual -benefit according to 《Contract Law of People"s Republic of China》.
This agreement is notarized and recorded by the Notary Public Office, _________, the PRC(hereinafter called“Notary Office”) and both parties shall follow the relative regulations and requirements of the Notary Office.
The relative legal documents, such as quotation sheet information of commodity sales and purchase sheet, etc. shall be sent to the other party by fax or express mailing after being put on records at the Notary Office by the two parties.
All the legal documents recorded by the Notary Office which mentioned in above clause2are to be regarded as legal evidence for settling disputes.
Notary office:Fax:_________,Tel:_________.
II.Principal Clauses
Party A is responsible for selling the legitimate commodities of Party B in China. Price of commodities refers to 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》(the enclosure1).All commodities of Party B sold in China through Party A must be enclosed with explanation in Chinese(including commodity packing explanation and commodity explanation).
Party B shall choose audit services to verify its production capabilities and quality control systems which supplied by _________ local affiliate in Party B"s country according to require of Party A. Party B shall present grade report of _________ to Party A.
Party B confirms that the total annual transaction amount of commodity under this agreement is USD_________.
Party B shall put the 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》on records at the Notary Office by fax which presented to Party A and get receipt of notarization and records. Party B shall present the《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》in the Import Quotation Column on . Party B shall present the colored photo of commodity via internet to Party A and must indicate Supplier Code and Commodity Code together with the photo.
Party B shall visit Party A "s wed site(http://) in time and find out the transaction guide, filling explanation of quotation and business announcement, etc. Party B shall assist Party A to sell its products. All information issued in Party A "s wed site by Party B shall not be against Chinese relevant laws and regulations.
Party B shall publicize the commodities which being sold through Party A on its own web site if he has and Commodity Code must be indicated when publicizes.
If the commodities sold in China of Party B need sales license which is applied to Chinese related departments, Party B may consign Party A to deal with it. Party B shall offer documents and samples needed and bear relevant expenses.
Party B may amend commodity information. Party B presents Party A the amendment application only after notarizing and recording all contents of amendment at the Notary Office. Party A only accepts the entire contents of 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》and amendment which have been recorded at the Notary Office by fax. Party B shall also present the same contents to via. internet. Any amendment from Party A about the contents presented by Party B is forbidden when Party A uses or publicizes the above mentioned contents(viz. Party A only uses the newly contents Party B presents and have be notarized and recorded at the Notary Office). 共9页,当前第1页123456789
4.甲方同意乙方将乙方网站与甲方“_________”网站(http:// )进行善意链接。
Party A agrees Party B to link Party B"s web site with .
Party A shall sell Party B"s commodities according to the details in the 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》 provided by Party B in China. Party A shall present the《NCEN Import Purchase Sheet》(the enclosure2,for short 《Purchase Sheet》)to Party B by fax as the proof of order according to the sales information of《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》.
Party A shall fax the《Purchase Sheet》to Party B after putting it on records at the Notary Office. Party B must confirm the receipt of the《Purchase Sheet》by fax within24hours. Shall Party B not confirm the receipt of the《Purchase Sheet》by fax within48hours, Party B breaks the contract. Party A will issue 《Default Advice》(the enclosure3)to Party B and deal with it according to the clause X of this agreement.
Party A shall issue an Irrevocable Documentary Letter of Credit at sight in favor of Party B with100% invoice value within7days after receiving the fax of《Purchase Sheet》which Party B confirmed and well received. The stated negotiable amount of the L/C is95% value of sales invoice presented to Party A by Party B.
《NCEN Import Transaction Service Agreement》 is indivisible with the relevant 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》and the《Purchase Sheet》,etc. Those have the same legal effect.
Party A shall have the priority to be the exclusive agent of Party B"s commodities in China and the two parties negotiate and sign contract later.
III.Transaction Deposit
To ensure the execution of this agreement, Party B shall pay4% value of the annual total transaction amount of commodity confirmed by Party B as the deposit(not less than USD2,000).It means that the total amount of goods in orders which can be accepted by Party B shall not exceed25times of amount of the deposit available. Render way of the transaction deposit:Within5days after signing this agreement Party B shall issue a Letter of Guarantee for Deposit Payment to Party A from a bank authorized by Party A and in favor of Party A (L/G format is listed in the enclosure4, for short L/G for payment, this agreement number must be marked in the L/G).The deposit is valid till6months after the validity of this agreement. Party A shall return the L/G to the issuing bank for cancellation upon expiry. After the L/G has been confirmed by Party A and become effective , Party B presents the 《Import Commodity Quotation Sheet》in the Import Quotation Column on via internet.
Shall Party B fail to deliver according to the time, place, variety or quantity which are stipulated in the 《NCEN Import Purchase Sheet》, Party A has the right to deduct4% value of goods in default by fax from the bank which issued the L/G.
The deposit can be used circularly. Party B may increase or decrease the deposit according to the business needs.
IV.Declaration of Audio & Video Information
Party A shall broadcast Party B"s enterprise and commodity audio & video information(for short commodity information)in _________ on behalf of Party B exclusively.
Party B shall present documents and disk of audio & video information(AVI format) to _________ which is subordinate to _________, according to the requirement of Import Transaction Information Broadcast Notification.
Verified by _________, Party B shall pay the commodity information broadcast charge according to Import Transaction Information Broadcast Notification.
Shall documents and disk of audio & video information which Party B presented fail to pass verification of _________ within30days after this agreement being signed, Party B shall pay USD800 to Party A within40days after this agreement being signed as service charge of commodity information broadcast and represent the documents and information to _________ after amending accordingly.共9页,当前第2页123456789