
发布时间:2022-11-20 17:24:05





  或许有的游客要问:沙湖是怎样形成的?沙湖原是银川平原西大滩的一处蝶形洼地。早在公元407年此地就有屯垦戍边的记录。新中国成立后,沙湖划归前进农场。1958年秋季山洪爆发,导致排水沟决口,沟水大量排人洼地,形成面积达1万多亩的湖泊,因湖泊外形很像一只大元宝,故名元宝湖。 1989年9月,当时的宁夏自治区主席白立忱到前进农场视察,为这里的湖光"沙色"所吸引,提出了开发元宝湖建立旅游区的设想。1990年,白立忱再次来到这里,他以该景区特有的两大资源--湖(泊)和沙(丘)为主题,欣然将元宝湖更名为沙湖。从此,沙湖旅游区的建设便拉开了序幕。此后在国家旅游局举办的一系列活动中,沙湖与广西的桂林山水、海南的天涯海角、湖南的张家界等著名的景区一起被推向海外旅游市场,成了全国首批35个王牌旅游景点之二。



  各位游客,大家上午好,我是导游小杨,。首先请允许我代表海外旅行社对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎!很高兴能够跟大家相聚在这小小的空间里,希望在大家共同的努力下我们都能玩的开心,旅途顺畅。 接下来的时间就简单介绍一下沙湖:







  好了,我们马上就要进入沙湖游玩参观了,请大家检查好自己的随身物品,这里面还要做几点温馨的游玩提示,相机要随时用随时在开, 以免沙子进入相机里面,希望大家保管好自己的随身物品。好现在给大家十分钟的时间,有想唱歌的去大家的左手边,十分钟之后在检票口前方的蓝色亭子下集合,给大家发放门票。

  沙湖的导游词篇三:Sand Lake-宁夏沙湖英语导游词

  Sand Lake

  Ladies and Gentlemen.

  Welcome to Sand Lake Nature Reserve. Located In Pingluo County, 56 Kilometers north of Yinchuan City and 20 Kilometers from Shizuishan City, Sand Lake’s surface covers 85.10 square kilometers area. Including 62.16 square kilomerts of land and 20.2 square kilometers of water. The average depth of the lake is 2.2 meters; its deepest point is 4 meters. Moving dunes cover 12.74 squares kilometers. In 2007 The China Tourism Administration designated Sand Lake a 5A Scenic Spot.

  The combination of water and sand makes Sand Lake a uniquely beautiful spot. It is also rich in natural resources, including sand dunes, reeds, birds, fish, and lotuses.

  Now we’ve arrived at the observation tower to appreciate the panorama of Sand Lake. Sand Lake is similar in shape to a golden shoe; hence the name “Shoe-shaped Gold Lake.” Looking over to the south, we can see the rolling sand dune; to the north, we can see green water with reeds. You may have visited many other popular scenic spots with sand, water, and reed marshes, but none are as unique as Sand Lake. Go aboard a boat and enjoy the magic experience of Sand Lake!

  ? One of Sand Lake’s most distinguishing features is its three square kilometers of reeds. The

  reeds flutter in the wind as if a slim and graceful girl is welcoming the guests from far and near. Thanks to the reed marshes, the Lake is divided up into different portions, whichi makes the scenery distinct in gradation. Reeds are not only beautiful but also have practical use. The reeds can be usedfor papermaking as well as for covering things. We can see and example nearby-the roofs of the pavilions are all made of reeds to protect them from the harsh sun and rain. Sand Lake has altogether 16 fish species. The common species are grass carp, common carp, catfish, silver carp, as well as blunt-snout bream and giant salamander the are rare in North China. Big Fish Head is the specialty of Sand Lake. The weight of a Big Fish Head can be ten to twenty kilos. It is so big, that just its head can fill up a big pot.

  Now we’ve observed a small building in the east, that’s Bird Island, whichi is the resting place of 98 different bird species. The birds are all migrants, and from May to Septermber is the best time to observe them. Studies have shown that the nature reserve is home to 1.5 million birds, some of which are protected species. Now we come to the Birdwatching Tower, wichis is 18 meters high and is located 20 meters from Bird Island. We can see tens of Thousands, of birds from the half-sealed Bridwatching Tower. If we us the telescope here or our own binoculars, we can clearly observe the birds’behavior.

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