篇二:抚州导游词Celebrity sculpture park guide words Hello everyone in the morning ! You can call me xiao Qu. Welcome everyone to " Wets town" - Fuzhou . Now the position where everyone is famous sculpture park in Fuzhou , which is located in Fuzhou City, the new administrative center of the south , east Jiangxi East Avenue , south Ashmore Road , west of Yu Ming Avenue , north of Bell Ridge Avenue. Fuzhou famous sculpture garden , which can be seen from the door of a very large , 1,400 meters north to south and from east to west and 500 meters wide , covers an area of 1,000 acres ( of which: 400 acres of greenery , water 300 acres ) , with a total investment of 430 million yuan, in started in June 2009 , was completed in October 2011 . Celebrity sculpture park planning and construction of the overall layout of different sizes along the central axis , 5 square orderly , five lakes and eight bridges, bird's eye view from the air was " wishful jade " shape , meaning Fuzhou rich harmony and good luck . We know that in many celebrities celebrity park it ? Yes, a total of 66 .I think everyone knows then. Every celebrity like Tang xian zu , Wang an-shi and so on have demonstrated magnificent Fuzhou thousands of years , vivid historical picture , both for everyone to relive the glorious history of Fuzhou , Fuzhou more incentive after the man better future and make greater contribution . Celebrity sculpture garden is not only to win the humanities , even take embrace quiet landscape , temporal one, phase and earth , nature and humanity with shine , is the epitome of the millennium Linchuan culture , it is a microcosm of the Golden Age of Fuzhou .
We know why the celebrity sculpture park to be built it? Because Fuzhou is " Linchuan culture" generation , the ancient celebrity men , pregnant with beauty , rich cultural heritage , landscape Gengjian wins , it is the cultural and ecological characteristics . To highlight the city's
character , personality and taste to highlight the city , the municipal government from polish " Linchuan Culture " brand start effort to build cultural and ecological city.
For the convenience of tourists , celebrities and entertainment sculpture park also has a marina , waterfront restaurant , family amusement parks, fountains and gutting reception centers along the Parkway Gallery pavilion will be built with poetry and other cultural pieces. So , everyone's lunch at noon nothing to worry about , you can choose the picnic in the grass.
Because there are lakes and amusement parks, children 's parents pay attention, do not let children near the lake , to prevent accidents. Because the park is very big celebrity , if you feel physically not very good, or you want to enjoy the next sports and family fun , here you can rent a car or three- car double . Similarly, safety first , not too fast when riding . If you have any questions in the course of the tour , then feel free to contact me , here is my number , trouble you remember this: 138 ******* . Next is everyone's free time . 15:00 in the side gate collections, the end of our visit. Thank you!
抚州交通便利,区位优势明显,东靠浙江,南邻福建,距省会城市南昌仅l 00公里,有国家一级公路直达。鹰厦、浙赣、向乐铁路穿境而过,抚州火车站(二级站)离市区6公里;沪瑞高速公路抚州至上海段今年年底通车,5小时可到达;京福高速公路(北京至福州)今年四月份开工建设,预计2004年通车;昌厦高速公路已全面开通,320、316、206国道横穿市境;距南昌昌北机场仅l 00公里,至香港、深圳、广州、厦门、上海、宁波、北京等各大城市均有航班;中国远洋国际货运集团公司(中转港上海)在南昌设有集装箱码头,承接外运货物,抚州距集装箱码头和海关仅l 00公里,抚州的产品能及时、快捷、顺畅地运往世界各地。
抚州自然资源丰富,物产富饶,生态环境保护良好。特色农产品众多,南丰蜜桔、广昌白莲、崇仁麻鸡、临川西瓜;黎川茶薪菇闻名遐迩,南丰、广昌、崇仁、临川等县区分别被农业部命名为中国蜜桔之乡、中国白莲之乡、中国麻鸡之乡、中国西瓜之乡;森林覆盖率高达61%,是江西主要木竹产区9有林面积84万公顷,活立木总蓄积量3000万立方,毛竹近3亿根;目前已探明的金属和非金属40多种;水能源理论蕴藏量70.25万千瓦,各种水面面积88.74公顷,可利用水面26.74公顷。可开发的荒草坡面积l 33.1万亩,滩涂14.2万亩。抚州山清水秀,被列入省级历史文物保护单位有40多处,省级自然保护区3个,可供开发的旅游项目众多。
抚州人文鼎盛,自古就有“才子之乡”、“文化之邦”的美誉。勤劳智慧的抚州人民创造了底蕴深厚、特色鲜明的“临川文化”,是“赣文化”的主要支脉;晏殊、曼几道、王安石、曾巩、陆九渊、汤显祖等名儒巨匠,象一颗颗璀璨的明星,闪耀在历史的天空。 江西井冈山导游词 ·南昌市导游词 ·九江市导游词