
发布时间:2022-10-21 19:37:27

  Taking your lunch to work is a healthy, cost-friendly habit, but if you decide to eat in the office, you should keep your co-workers in mind and practice proper manners. Here are five things to consider if you like to dine at your desk.中午带饭到公司里去吃是一种健康又经济的做法。当你决定要当带饭族时,你就要考虑到你的同事,还要遵守必要的办公室礼仪。如果你要带饭,以下五点就是你需要注意的:

  1.Not everyone shares the same taste.不是每个人都跟你一个口味。

  Some of the most delicious foods can have less-than-appealing smells, so be conscientious and save the strong-scented dishes for dinnertime. You'll avoid upsetting your co-workers and keep your breath conversation-ready.有些美食吃起来香,但闻起来就差强人意了。所以带饭时你就要考虑到这一点,重口味的食物还是留到晚饭时再吃吧。你应该避免让你的同事感到不舒服,还要保证饭后谈话时能够做到口气清新。


  2.Use your usual manners.保持正常的餐桌礼仪。

  It's important that your midday meals don't distract your office-mates, so stick to the table etiquette you learned as a child. Don't slurp, don't chew with your mouth open, and keep things neat to avoid spilling on your work or keyboard.有一点很重要,那就是你的午餐不能影响到你的同事。所以你必须坚持从小就学到的餐桌礼仪。吃饭时不要发出声音,不要张着嘴嚼东西,保持干净以免把食物喷洒到文件或者键盘上。

  3.Bring your own silverware.自带餐具。

  Even if your office keeps a stash of plastic silverware in the kitchen, bring your own to avoid unnecessary waste. Stay eco-friendly by packing washable silverware with your lunch.即使你们办公室在厨房配有塑料餐具,你也应该自带餐具以免造成不必要的浪费。午餐时自带可洗漱的餐具也是对保护环境做出的贡献。

  4.Eat and move on.吃完就继续工作

  Try not to linger with your lunch. You don't need to rush your meal, but it shouldn't be an all-afternoon affair, either. Allow yourself a reasonable amount of time to eat, then clear your desk and get back to work.不要在午饭上花太多时间。你不需要急急忙忙地吃午餐,但你也没有必要一整个下午都在吃。给自己一个合理的时间用来吃饭,吃完后就收拾干净,继续工作。

  5.Respect the refrigerator real estate.冰箱是公共资源。

  You're one of several employees, so there's no need to take up an entire shelf with your favorite foods. Remember to clean up after yourself and regularly remove your leftovers from the office fridge.公司不是你一个人的,所以你最好不要把你爱吃的食物堆满冰箱的一整排。记住要把自己放过食物的地方清理干净,带走你留在办公室冰箱里的残留物。

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