
发布时间:2018-09-15 01:54:31



  Xinjiang is the largest grape producing area in China, and also the birthplace of cultivated grapes in china. According to the survey, there are more than 50 varieties of grapes in Xinjiang. Especially in Turpan, grapes are planted everywhere, accounting for more than 90% of the total area of grape growing in Xinjiang. It has become the kingdom of grapes". The grapes of Turpan remind us of our reverie. Sung by the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang in the "Turpan grapes are ripe, Anaerhan heart drunk" beautiful lyrics, full of people to express the admiration of grape. Grapes are known as "Pearl and agate", and become the symbol of "hometown of melons and fruits" in Xinjiang. Where Putaogou let us go to Turpan to enjoy the most beautiful, Anaerhan intoxicated mood!


  Tourists, our cars are driving along Flaming Mountains, and the west end of the mountain is the grape ditch.


  Grape ditch is a river valley in the Flaming Mountains mountains, which is 7 kilometers long and the widest is about 2 kilometers. In the meantime, it was full of vineyards, inhabited by Uygur, Hui, Han and other ethnic growers. If you walk into the grape ditch, you will see people from the Tianshan Mountain canal water through the valley, lush trees, humid air, cool climate pleasant, and the hot Flaming Mountains formed a sharp contrast. Look down at the volcano, green, really is a good place for summer summer.

  葡萄园→无核白葡萄→葡萄干晾房 我们现在来到了葡萄园内,只见这里的葡萄似遮天的绿云、铺地的绿毯,片片相接,架架相连,绿阴蔽日,硕果累累。 葡萄沟内的葡萄园占地约400多公顷,主要品种有无核白葡萄和马奶(nai)子葡萄,还有玫瑰红、喀什哈尔、比夹干、黑葡萄、索 索葡萄等。此外,还有从国外引进的京早晶、艾麦纳、无核紫、无核红、玫瑰香等优良葡萄品种。其果形各异,有球形、卵形、圆柱形、椭圆形等,有的鲜艳似玛瑙,有的晶莹如珍珠,而有的碧绿若翡翠。这里年产葡萄逾6000吨,晾制葡萄干300余吨,堪称是“世界葡萄植物园”。

  The vineyard, grape, raisin drying room now we come to the vineyard, but here the grape like green cloud covered the sky, paving the green carpet, a piece of connected frame is green sun, fruitful. In the grape vineyard covers an area of about more than 400 hectares, the main varieties of seedless grapes and grape seed milk (NAI), and rose red, Kashi hall, clamp of dry, black grape, grapes and other cable. In addition, there are some excellent grape varieties, such as Jing Jing crystal, red silk, seedless purple, seedless red and rose fragrance. Its fruit shape is different, with spherical, oval, cylindrical, oval, etc., some bright agate, some crystal like pearls, and some green jade. It has an annual output of more than 6000 tons of grape and more than 300 tons of dried raisins, which can be called "world grape botanical garden"".


  Xinjiang is the leader of grape grape, grape ditch generally planted with this grape. Look! The strings of fruit oval, hanging in the vine fruit is pale yellow green "green pearl" is thompson. It is thin and crisp, juicy and sweet, fresh fruit sugar content is more than 24%, more than the sugar content of grapes in California in the United States, as the world's most sweet grapes. Because it has no seed, it is suitable for drying raisins. After drying, its sugar content can reach more than 75%, and contains a variety of nutrients such as protein, organic acid, which is rich in dried fruit. Crystal jade seedless raisins, bright color green, sweet and sour food, known as the "Green Pearl Chinese".


  The Grape Valley in the cultivated area ranks second in the mare (NAI) sub grape fruit, it is long cylindrical or spindle shaped, peel is thin and tough, juicy and crisp flesh, no smell, but very sweet. It is worth mentioning that the Turpan basin because of its low-lying, high temperatures, less precipitation, solar radiation and other unique natural conditions, so all the grapes are no pests, but do not need spraying pesticides, so that the Xinjiang raisins are the brand famous at home and abroad, has become a rare natural non-toxic fruit.

  游客们,漫步在绿色长廊之中,望着这诱人的葡萄,真是无比地惬意! 刚才有的游客问道:葡萄干是怎样制成的?瞧!前方那平顶、长方形、土木结构的小房子就是专门为晾制葡萄干而盖的晾房。晾房墙壁是由土块砌成的有孔花墙,长方形的小孔主要起到自由通风的作用。晾房的门多设在北边或东边,这样一方面可减少阳光的射入,另一方面在运输葡萄时,如晾房一 时容纳不下,可暂时放在晾房外北墙边,数小时内不会被阳光照到,制干后的品质不变。在吐鲁番,这样的晾房随处可见,但多数建造在山坡高处或沟岸上地形开阔平坦、通风和干燥等条件良好的地方。说到这里,游客们或许已经明白了吐鲁番的葡萄干制作方法也有独特之处,它既不同于其他国家利用阳光曝晒,也不是利用人工加温烘干,而完全是凭借干燥温暖的气候自然风干的。这样完全保存了葡萄果实中的叶绿素,使葡萄呈干绿色,这在世界年产约印万吨的葡萄干中,也可算是一种独占望头的佳品了。

  Visitors walk in the green corridor, looking at this charming grape, is really very happy! Just some tourists asked: how raisins are made? Look! In front of the barn, flat rectangular, civil structure small house is dedicated to curing raisins and cover. Dry room walls are made of dirt piled hole wall flower, rectangular holes play a major role in free ventilation. The barn doors in the north or East, so that one can reduce the sunlight, on the other hand, the transport of grapes, such as a barn to hold, can be temporarily placed in a barn outside the north wall, not within a few hours of sunshine, dried the same quality. In Turpan, this kind of air drying house can be seen everywhere, but most of them are built on the hillside or on the shore of the ditch, where the terrain is open, flat, ventilated and dry. Here, visitors may have understood the Turpan raisin production methods are unique, it is different from other countries by the sun, nor the use of artificial heating and drying, and is completely dry and warm climate with dry naturally. This completely preserved fruit in the chlorophyll, make the grape is dry green, this in the world with an annual output of about India million tons of raisins, can also be regarded as an exclusive observation for the.

  吐鲁番除了葡萄干外,葡萄酒也非常有名,色香味俱佳, 而且酿制历史十分悠久,唐代诗人王翰曾有诗赞道:“葡萄美洒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。”诗人的名句,将葡萄美酒的神韵与驰骋疆场的将军的豪迈气概描述得出神入化。

  In addition to raisins, Turpan, wine is also very famous, color and fragrance, and brewing history is very long, Tang Dynasty poet Wang Han had poetry praise: "Grape Beauty shining cup, want to drink Pipa immediately urge.". Zuiwo battlefield Jun Mo laugh, a few people back to the ancient battle." The famous poet, the wine of the charm and dash about in a battlefield general heroic description reach the acme of perfection.


  The tourists, now we come to the Grape Valley in the north, in front of a piece of marble monument reads "Grape Valley" three words, this is the former chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Comrade Peng Zhen's handwriting, we can in this photo.

  这里流水潺潺,葡萄满架。我们漫步在葡萄长廊,宛若畅游江南园林,浑然不知身处烈日炎炎的火焰山中。穿过石桥,置身在葡萄王国中,只见悬崖绝壁的砂砾层中渗出的泉水,汇流成池,池中游鱼,仿佛也和游人一样,怡然自乐,鱼乐人亦乐,泉清心更清。 旅游区内还有葡萄博物馆、葡萄酒品尝点、民俗馆等其他参观设施,以及维吾尔族民乐表演,休息片刻后我们再去参观欣赏。

  The water is flowing and the grapes are full. We stroll in the grape corridor, like a tour of Jiangnan gardens, unaware of the scorching sun in the flames of the mountains. Through the stone, in the middle of the grape Kingdom, exudation of gravel layer in spring and sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, the confluence of the pool, the pool of fish, and visitors seem like fish music also contented and happy, happy, spring heart more clear. There are grape Museum, wine tasting point, Folk Museum and other visiting facilities in the tourist area, as well as Uygur folk music performance. After a short rest, we will go and enjoy it again.

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