
发布时间:2024-08-08 08:27:15

Resume 個/ 人/ 履/ 歷/ 
Name: Lee, Ying / 李 穎
E-mail: yinglee1017@
                  Mailing Address: -Hua Rd., Peetow, Changhua county,52345, Taiwan(.)
                  彰化縣埤頭鄉文化路369號 明道大學 餐旅管理系
Education 學/ 歷/
XX-XX National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan / 國立成功大學,台灣
          . in Transportation Management / 交通管理科學系,博士
            Dissertation: Highway travel time forecasting with sequential update of accident duration
            論文題目: 考慮事故延續時間動態更新預測之高速公路旅行時間預測模式建立與資料簡化方法比較
XX-XX National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan / 國立成功大學,台灣
          . in Transportation Management / 交通管理科學系,碩士
            Thesis: Development of freeway bus travel time forecasting model using artificial neural networks
            論文題目: 類神經網路應用於國道客甙嘬嚶眯袝r間預測模式之研究
1996-XX National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan / 國立成功大學,台灣
          . in Transportation Management / 交通管理科學系,學士
Professional experience 經/ 歷/
                 8/XX-present Assistant professor, Department of Hospitality Management, Ming Dao University, Taiwan / 明道大學餐旅管理系,助理教授
                 3/XX-7/XX Assistant engineer, Department of Motor Vehicle, Taipei City Government, Taiwan / 台北市監理處,幫工程司
Awards and honors in research 學/ 術/ 獎/ 勵/
        1. Outstanding Paper prize, Research paper and Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Award in Public Transportation, XX. -(in Chinese) / 中華民國咻攲W會大有巴士傑出一般論文獎-優等,「高速公路客哕囕v旅行時間預測之實證評析」,民國93年。
        2. Outstanding Thesis prize, Master’s Thesis Award in Public Transportation- Ho Shin Bus Company, Nation Cheng Kung University, XX. -(in Chinese) / 成功大學和欣客哒撐莫劊割惿窠浘W路應用於國道客甙嘬嚶眯袝r間預測模式之研究」,民國91年。
        3. Merit prize,10th Student Article Competition in National Cheng Kung University,1999. -(in Chinese) / 成功大學第10屆論文比賽-佳作,「台灣地區停車資訊系統之探討」,民國88年。
Awards and honors (others) 榮/ 譽/ 事/ 項/
  1. Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China / 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員共4页,当前第1页 1234
  2. XX~06Scholarship of Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation / 二○○五~○六年度財團法人中華扶輪獎學金
  3. Scholarship of Chen-zhong and Chen-yerui Educational Foundation / 財團法人陳忠陳葉蕊文教基金會獎學金
  4. Scholarship of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families / 財團法人家庭扶助基金會獎學金
  5. 特種考試地方政府公務人員,台北市交通工程類科,錄取,民國94年。
Publication 學/ 術/ 研/ 究/ 成/ 果/
A. Research report 研究報告
  1. Lee, Y. (XX) Highway travel time forecasting with sequential update of accident duration, Dissertation, Department of Transportation and Communication management, Nation Cheng Kung University. / 李穎,考慮事故延續時間動態更新預測之高速公路旅行時間預測模式建立與資料簡化方法比較,成功大學交通管理科學系,博士論文,民國96年6月。
  2. Lee, Y. (XX) Development of freeway bus travel time forecasting model using artificial neural networks, Thesis, Department of Transportation and Communication management, Nation Cheng Kung University. / 李穎,類神經網路應用於國道客甙嘬嚶眯袝r間預測模式之研究,成功大學交通管理科學系,碩士論文,民國91年6月。
  3. Lee, Y. (XX) Analyzing the application of parking information supply and reservation system, College student research, National Science Council. [NSC89-2815-C-006-058-H] / 李穎,「停車資訊供給與訂位系統之應用性影響分析」,89年度國科會大專學生專題研究計劃,成功大學交通管理系,89年7月。[NSC89-2815-C-006-058-H]
  4. Lee, Y. (1999) Developing the ATIS operation model in Taiwan, College student research, National Science Council. [NSC88-2815-C-006-092-H] / 李穎,「ATIS在台營吣J教接憽梗?8年度國科會大專學生專題研究計劃,成功大學交通管理系,88年9月。[NSC88-2815-C-006-092-H]
B. Referee paper 期刊文章
  1. Wei, C. H. and Lee, Y. “Sequential forecast of incident duration using artificial neural network models,” Accident Analysis and Prevention39, (XX):944-954. (SSCI, Impact factor: )
  2. Wei, C. H. and Lee, Y. “Development of freeway travel time forecasting models by integrating different sources of traffic data,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (XX): Accept. (SCI, Impact factor: )
  3. Wei, C. H. and Lee, Y. “Appling data fusion techniques to traveler information services in highway network,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)6, (XX):2457-2475, Japan. [NSC-93-2218-E-006-094]
  4. Wei, C. H., S. C. Lin, and Y. Lee. “Empirical Validation of Freeway Bus Travel Time Forecasting.” Transportation Planning Journal Quarterly32, (XX):651-680. -(in Chinese) (TSSCI) / 魏健宏、林士傑、李穎,「高速公路客哕囕v旅行時間預測之實證評析」,咻斢媱澕究?2卷,第4期,第651-680頁,92年12月。(TSSCI)
  5. Wei, C. H., S. J. Lin, and Y. Lee. “Characteristics Analysis of Delay on Freeway—Take Northern Region of Freeway Example.” Journal of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering30, (XX):85-88. -(in Chinese) / 魏健宏、林士傑、李穎,「高速公路事件延時特性分析-以中山高速公路北部路段為例」,土木水利會刊,第30卷,第5期,第85-88頁,92年10月。共4页,当前第2页1234
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