
发布时间:2024-08-01 14:41:53















乙方负责人签字(盖章): 质量保证部签字(盖章):



电话: ____________________________________________________
buyer:moving technology (shen zhen) co., ltd, (abbreviated: party a)
add: ___________________________________________________________
tel: ___________________________________
fax: ___________________________________
供方全称:________________________________ (以下简称乙方)
seller: dong guan wei hong hareware plastic co., ltd (abbreviated: party b)
add: , ping shan, tang xia, dongguan city
tel: ___________________________________
fax: ___________________________________

产品名称:沙发调节器五金件product name: sofa adjuster hardware parties
本协议为《采购协议》的附件之一,适用于正常采购到货产品及索赔到货产品的质量要求,与该协议有同样的法律效力,甲乙双方应严格遵守。as one of supplementary of purchasing agreement, this agreement applies to the quality requirement of normal purchase and claims.
甲乙双方以相互信任、相互合作的态度,对该协议的以下条款达成一致:based on the mutual trust, mutual cooperation, both parties agree to achieve the agreement as below:

产品种类:product codes
第一条 产品标准standard
乙方应严格按照前期甲方测试确认可以接受的样品性能、以及按照甲方提供的设计图纸和技术,进行本产品的生产和向甲方批量供货。party b should provide the goods whose performance, design, technology parameter are same as the samples confirmed by party

第二条 检验方法 testing way
2.1 样品封样:在第一批供货之前,乙方提供______个产品/每个编码,由甲方研发部、质量检验部和乙方共同签字确认后,作为此产品的封样样品,以后的来料检验, 成品检验将以封样样品为检验的标准之一。sealed sample: before1st shipment lot, party b should provide ______pieces/code samples, which should be approved and sign off by the research & development dept. and quality control dept. of party a and party b, as the sealed samples; the inspection of incoming material and finished goods should referring to the sealed samples as the standard.
2.2 检验标准:以甲方提供的设计图纸和技术参数规定、封样样品、甲方的交验标准、相关国家标准、甲乙双方承认的抽样质量标准为依据进行检验。inspection standard: based on the design drawing, technology parameter, sealed samples, specific inspection standard provided by party a, and approved aql standard by both parties.

第三条 信息沟通communication
3.1 甲方在来料检验中,发现不合格产品,需对乙方开具《供应商质量异常报告》,乙方需在_____日内对《供应商质量异常报告》中质量问题的形成原因、纠正预防措施、措施实施时间等内容,以书面形式进行回复。对于甲方退货批次,乙方还需向甲方提供退货批次的处理方式和相关质量记录。once party a finds the defects during in-house inspection, will issue the quality exception report to party b, party b should reply in written about the defect root, corrective action, improving date, etc.; if goods refund from party a, party b should give the resolving ways and keep a good record.
3.2 乙方每月需对甲方来料检验、生产制程和客服中心返还的需要索赔的产品进行分析,并在每月______日前向甲方提供分析报告。party b should monthly analyze the inspection report, production procedure, and claims from party a, and provide the analysis report before______date each month.
3.3 甲乙双方定期召开品质沟通会议,会议时间另由双方协商确定。both parties will have the regular quality session, date and time should be confirmed by both parties.

第四条 问题解决及违约责任problem resolution and breach responsibility
4.1 乙方对本协议第2,3,4条所列条款执行不利,且在甲方提出改进要求后乙方仍无改进迹象,甲方有权取消乙方的合格供方资格。if party b doesn’t well cooperate for clause two, three & four in the agreement, still not improve after requesting by party a, and party a has the right to cancel the supplier membership.
4.2 乙方应保证到货的型号规格与《采购订单》和《技术规格书》一致,并完全按照《技术协议书》中的标准供货。对由于到料与《采购订单》和《技术规格书》中的标准不一致的,甲方有权要求乙方退货、换货,并按采购合同的约定承担相应的赔偿责任。 party b should guarantee the goods codes and specification are same as requested in purchasing orders and technology specification; if any discrepancy, party a has the right to reject goods, request to change, or compensate according to the purchasing orders.

「1」 「2」 「3」 「4」 「5」

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