捣碎消化饼,融化牛油;Smash digestive biscuits, melt butter.

牛油和饼碎均匀混合;Add butter into the fine crust and mix well.

分四份放在杯子里面,压平,置于冰箱;Evenly distribute into 4 cups and press firmly, put them in the fridge.

打发忌廉至硬,加入自制的红桑子果酱和泡好的鱼胶粉溶液;Whisk cream till hard, add in raspberry jam and gelatine that has already melted in hot water.

从冰箱里面取出稍微硬的饼底,把红桑子混合物倒进杯子里面,置于冰箱;Take the cups out from fridge and fill in the cream mixture, bring back to fridge.

冰冻红桑子加入糖和水煮至沸腾,加入蒟蒻粉,搅拌均匀;Boil frozen raspberry with sugar and water, add in konnyaku powder, stir well.

四个花模具里分别倒进一汤匙红桑子混合物,其余的倒进慕斯杯;Make 4 jelly flowers with the mold (1tbs each), add the rest evenly into the 4 cups respectively.

置于冰箱至少30分钟或至硬;Bring back to fridge again for at least 30mins or till hard enough.

把花模具里面的果冻用牙签挑出来至于杯中间,漂亮不?Transfer the flower jelly from the mold with help of toothpick to the middle of the mousse cups. Pretty sharp, no?

儿子马上吃了一杯。My son has already finished one.

你要哪一杯?Which one do you take?
