酸辣虾Spicy&sour shrimp的做法

发布时间:2019-03-10 09:07:56

酸辣虾Spicy&sour shrimp的做法

简介 酸辣的海鲜料理一直是我的最爱 尤其是! 喜欢吃酸辣的朋友~可以试试看喔~ 简单好吃^^ 材料虾子shrimp200g 辣椒chilipepper4根 香菜cilantro适量 蒜头garlic2瓣 (调味料seasoning:)如下 露fishsauce1大匙tbsp 白醋ricevinegar1大匙tbsp 柠檬汁lemonjuice2大匙tbsp 水water2大匙tbsp 糖sugar1/4做法


材料图2蒜头 辣椒 香菜切末备用Garlic chili pepper cilantro cut off and shred

记得虾头地方尖尖的东西还有胡须要剪掉~吃的时候才不会受伤don’t forget to cut off the sharp stuff on the shrimp’s head before cook it.

先将虾子放入锅子中两面煎熟~(不用放油)1. stir-fried the shrimp (both sides)until it becomes red color , no need to pour oil on the pan

盛起备用pour into a plate

放入一些油爆香蒜末跟辣椒末2.pour few oil on the pan and stir-fried garlic chili pepper few seconds

3. 然后将调味料倒入then pour seasoning to the pan

4. 再将虾子倒入一起滚煮pour the shrimp to boil with the seasoning together

5. 等汤汁快收干时~香菜放入稍微扮一下就好了when the seasoning is almost dry out the sauce, pour the cilantro and just stir-fried it a little bit. Then pour shrimp into a plate.

上菜囉Time to enjoy the meal :)

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