马蹄洗净,沥干;Clean the chestnuts, rinse.
2削皮,切粒;Peel first, then dice.
3水A与马蹄粉拌匀备用;Mix water A with chestnut powder, stir and set aside.
4片糖和水B放进大锅以中火煮溶,并轻轻搅拌,等待完全溶化;Melt brown slab sugar with water B in a deep pan, stir.
5转慢火,再一次拌匀马蹄水,然后将之逐少加入大锅并快手拌匀;Stir again the chestnut water before adding to the sugary water, with low fire on.
6粉浆呈白色时加入马蹄粒;When the paste turns to slightly white, add chestnut pieces in.
79寸盘子抹油,开中大火;Grease the 9" stainless container with medium fire.
8趁热把粉浆倒入蒸盆内,抹平表面;Pour in while it is still hot, smooth the surface.
9大火蒸25-30分钟至透明;Steam it for 25-30 mins till transparent.
10晶莹剔透!It is now perfect and yummy!
11看!家长们各施各法。See how different each group made with the same recipe :D
12来来来,喝杯花茶。Come and drink some flower tea.