
发布时间:2023-01-06 13:45:46




(About Team Go against AlphaGo) 5 players are too many for the group Go game。 For 5 members, they should have been given more than 5 hours of thinking time。 The group game also requires a very comfortable place for players to discuss。 It would have been better if there were a disclosed room rather than a open place。 Then they could organize someone who sits in front of the board to put stones for them as Doctor Aja Huang did for AlphaGo。

I agree the pair game was an event match but I think the group game was different。 It was 胜负。 Nevertheless its circumstance was not very good。 Compared to a single play, was it be really a better condition for human players? It was the question I half jokingly asked before。

And this is my personal opinion but I felt the team played this game quite casually。 It is good to enjoy the game but I could not think they really did their best。 However, wasn‘t the Team Go suggested as one of the best alternatives for human players to overcome AlphaGo? It is a pity that the rule or the game environment were not well prepared but still, shouldn’t they have tried everything they could in a given set of circumstances? Ke Jie was the representative of human but they also represented the professional Go players。 Media reported that even the cooperation of human champions could not overcome AlphaGo。 However, the game was too messy to say it was their best。 (Caster: Lee 9 dan, are you angry?) Yes。





这是我个人的观点但是我感觉这个团队对战确实有些漫不经心。团队对战能够很好的享受比赛,但是我认为没有人能够发挥他的最好水平 。接受建议组成一个非传统的围棋团队就能战胜AlphaGo了吗?很遗憾比赛的规则和环境仍然不如预期。难道是因为他们在赛场没有尽他们他们所能尽最大努力吗? 柯洁不仅代表了人类棋手,更代表了职业棋手,媒体报道即便是世界冠军的组合仍然不能战胜AlphaGo,然而这次比赛很难说是他们的最好水平。



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