Mad Mel dons a kilt and hair extensions and proceeds to slice up some English with a huge sword. Gibson both plays Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace and directs this epic of romance, heroism and flying horses
Mel Gibson produces, directs and stars in this fictionalisation of the story of William Wallace (from the pen of Randall Wallace) and cops a barrel-load of Oscars for his trouble.
This is three hours‘ worth of gripping drama, which spares nothing on either the visceral or the emotional front (the ending, in which Wallace finally gets his come-uppance, is genuine lump-in-the-throat stuff).
Braveheart may have its critics (and its biggest fans are nationalists), but there‘s no denying this is an achievement. It‘s a film that weaves a fascinating trail through the 14th century while delivering breathtaking (and breathtakingly violent) battle scenes and some haunting plot lines (notably the appearance of McCormack as the ghost of Wallace‘s murdered wife).
Verdict A real modern epic.