英文影评 :《互换身体( The Change-Up)》

发布时间:2022-10-24 15:50:34

This comedy doesn’t work very well. Jason Bateman plays a big-deal lawyer in Atlanta who’s married (his wife is played by Leslie Mann), has three little kids, and lives in a luxurious house. Ryan Reynolds is a bonged-out failed actor living in a slobby studio. They somehow change bodies, and each man finds himself confronting a frightening new reality. When Nicolas Cage and John Travolta changed bodies in John Woo’s “Face-Off,” the verbal style of each actor was so distinctive that you could greatly enjoy each man’s imitation of the other. But Bateman and Reynolds don’t have idiosyncratic styles, and half the time you’re confused about who’s inhabiting whom. Bateman, with the lout inside him, has the funniest bits, picking up two infants and dropping them on a kitchen counter like sacks of potatoes. Mann also has some strong scenes. The movie runs aground, however, on the issue of sex. Is the lout going to sleep with his best friend’s wife? Is the bourgeois in the lout’s body going to betray that same wife with one of the lout’s girlfriends? It’s a very tame movie despite its ostensibly wild premise. Directed by David Dobkin; written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore.

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