one two of are not my lover。stupidEvery time I look at you- ctrl失梦人° TristeEason、Ferris WheelMADE IN CHINA !the laterApologizeIf i were youTonightLove SongFreak。奇葩Almost loverLong but obsessionBetter meEnough----Sunny.Welcome TO 逼I cry 、Freak.cold as youBe not you
Timeless凉城 〔Triste anima〕-纯二°Every love`scrunch°﹏ love'The way you love me.-The way you lie to me.-I don‘tcanDJ
陌城。DevotedEnchanting/妖娆心控 2/1star°半生毁 ° - relesenseless. #Shall we talk?SacrificeMischievous Of Alice小悸动°OctobseTendernessMemorize the passedAllure LoveCurtain°chartlyメI can have youRecollect丶You so funny, holding heAs Long As I Am With YouOurTWOBelieve I can fiyHappysummervacationHeart to numb冷温柔°TristeD.Advice.
let me love you。爱是what?爱是waterI hinder you(我碍你)hello,goodbye?Who's who who is notInto this heart丶Fuck, like a little.say goodbyeAt the endOne Only