loneliness 孤独
Halo(光环) Luminary. * BiBiBoom. healer MichiGO Duang. clarifh[表白] Elaborate°(敷衍) Thorough 透彻 Calm° you are good girl Dusk 黄昏 Accommodation 迁就 羁绊 Fetters As time goes by时光飞逝 孤僻 Eccentric -Residualhave。(残忆) Hypocritical(虚伪) Distance╯ Crazy. ( 疯子) permanently Dawn(晨曦) I'm so sorry 耀眼 blinding The monument 残碑 Diamond Z hang Wen Juan ! The reborn 重生者 Irresistible.? Delusion(妄想) Grieved 心酸 QQ英文网名 Funnythan(逗比) Kisses who you Zeus Former(前任) Unworthy (不值得) THE ONE Agoni Sensational 煽情 Bad guy. Roar Dai eyebrow fool(受骗者) Sarcasm(讥讽) Bones骨 Favor 青睐 Seriously°(认真) You don't understand Old flame(旧情人) Ambition.(野心) only you Reluctance 勉强 刺青 Tattoo Wedding Dress iiamdoris 陪衬 Foil Pitiless(无情) Miracle Past(往昔) You Are Moonlight? Wrysmile°苦笑 Encourage each other Enemy 宿敌 Fantasy 幻想 Monster! The Boys ★ BackLo DECADENT(颓废) Shameless, no love Son roi(他的王) Remember Ro Wait Me. starry(星空) Limited 局限 But i love you hero 若凌° Provence - Curtain【落幕】 Care long time not see 茶蘼 Daissment sunshine lose my heart(失心) sun shine(太阳照耀) Joke.(笑话) Curtain