同桌说生活日记网能学习还有EXO,不早说,我要赶快去看看,难怪生活日记网这么火!remeber doingremeber to dokeep in touch withNIRUOZAIno zuo no die
you are my kingTao ♀ My love◆丶 Fuck°◆丶 Shit°时光恋人luminousThunderyou are faithyou are sunshineIf you love meHARU
You are Bing.Not are Ming.Yes , I doNo , I can'tAbuse of heart(虐心)Awu.whatPrincess″Prince″流弊不i真流弊isuperme!听说深爱是场谋杀△the love is murder△HHH,supermanyou are my sunI'm sunGTT。LP。Summer, Er^OVERDOSEoverdoseAI NI,AIWO,about love.Smlie︶尐晴天°make loveOnly loveEscape°轻咛Late summer你的妖娆°早安·BrideSuper GirlBetter ManSAYLOVEMEILOVEYOU
wǒ ài nǐ-lie@lay@Because Of YouBecause Of loveTrauma(创伤)I'm singing my blues.WANANHAOMENG .Why miss youStarry Sky - -.Power [功率],(权利)hinder[阻碍]Jester°overdoseLSHBitch▔▔▔▔▔▔女TF@ MISS。TFBOYS扮爱 pretend-lov3半爱 half-lov3替代品 substitute□太委屈 grievance ■G-DRAGONEvenbelong toLong time no see ’lowliness[卑微]unbearable[难堪]