Struggle゜旧事DiorORDINARY GIRL(普通女孩)
Dream you【梦总有你】Love insanity(情蛊)renew(重新开始)pray(祈祷)indulge(沉溺)Sink or Swim(浮沉)Like the blue(似海蓝 )Teddy is bearGreen Herb@you and me,#wolf#Beak Hyun。It is my style @Man-girlYOU are my favorit peopl
planet@Autism(孤独者)﹏souven°文字控[ lose and dream ]Jhan丶JungleEvil Clown,Dream。Money reward你爱谁?No love,Bich#The Transportation ゛
Want U Back_Cher LloydLong ago(很久以前)Despair·【绝望】[ 不敌她 ]super man@super woman@
Urban sisters#Cataleya#Honey~~#baby~~゛ i love meAestheticism▍▍溎璒nly one°G-Dragon@Corpse.- Rose (蔷薇;玫瑰)Storm风灬晨曦灬繁华、CurtainPromise 你的海Sandm ° 旧梦′AmourMicro blue dream ageSentenced to two people.You are the only one.Me too@kimiDistractions. 分心Young ignoranceGluttonyKILL YOUGET OUTLater it was a dream