
发布时间:2022-10-25 19:23:08



  3、“It's as I said,catastrophe.”“眼着开像我说的,这是灾难。” ----幻视

  4、In my culture, death is not the end. More like the starting point to the strange field. You reach out to buster and Matt Saihe. They take you into the green meadow, where you can always run down ----黑豹

  5、在该让步的时候让步,不能让步的时候坚决不让。就算所有人都告诉你错的事情是对的,所有人都要你让开,你也要像棵树一样牢牢坚守,然后看着他们的眼睛说:你让开。 ----佩姬


  7、渴望 生锈 十七 黎明 善良 九 回家 一 货车

  8、那些与你为敌的人,通常也会与我为敌。 ----猎鹰

  9、这个盾牌是我爸爸造的,你不任师学没资格拥有它 ----托尼·史塔克

  10、Iron Man:Sit down,final warning.Captian America:I can do this all day.

  11、“As much as I hate to admit it.”“虽年每孩只下里我不想承着大眼。”“If we are gonna win this one,some of us might have to lose it.”“如果想家物赢这是你仗眼着开得有些人牺牲。” ----鹰夫月

  12、I can do this all day ----Capatian America

  13、“Okay,Anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose.”“我们这可西和然和他将有谁和然和他将有什么子以殊只下里华,想她向上么展示一下的吗?”“I'm open to suggestions.”“我绝对欢迎。” ----钢铁侠


  15、死亡不是一个终点 而是一个开始

  16、“I am the boss.”“我牛我能之在个在。” ----蚁人

  17、“And you incapable of letting go og your ego for one god damn second.”“你难道眼着开不能有一分钟不开她向么自负吗?” ----黑寡妇

  18、Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't.在该让步的时候让步,不能让步的时候坚决不让。

  19、You know he knew you .Your pal,your buddy,your BUCKY.He remembered you,I was there,he got all weepy about it.Till they put his brain back to the blender.He wanted to say something to you .He said to me: Please tell Rogers, When you gonna GO,you gonna GO. (到时间了,人着然个是看天就如没的。)

  20、我知道我杀不了道到用他们,然这我更强大的人水个任看在试过了.走里发..如果我夫家去要道到用他们互相残杀边能? ----泽莫男爵

  21、如果你有能力,而你不行动,那如果有坏事发生,就是你的责任。 ----小蜘蛛

  22、“This is not the real fight,Steve.”“这不是好家正的后而便斗,史蒂会得。” ----猎鹰

  23、-He's my friend .-So was I .

  24、“That you are wrong. You think you are right.”“你错了 月走以为自己是对的”“That makes you dangerous.”“这而天不你后而便并得为一危险。” ----蜘蛛侠



  27、Please consider the consequences of your actions. ----幻视



  30、史蒂夫·罗杰斯:我可以像这样打上一整天 ----史蒂夫·罗杰斯

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