i will make you happy when you are depressed. i will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!
在你抑郁的时候,就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候, 愿作你的忘忧树!
i don’t knw whether i really love you, but i know i cannot lose you. if the earth is going to be destroyed i want to tell you that you are the only one i want to see.
不知道 是否真的爱,但是 知道 不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么 要告诉你“你是 唯一想见的人
I can’t stop my love for you.
i can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.
遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要 忘记你却要用上一生的时间。
i am too happy to stand faint!
If you don’t like someone, that will be my girl friend 。
Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.