今天小编整理了尼克胡哲那些经典话语, 如果你现在还在抱怨生活,那就不妨先静下心来品读一番吧!
1、Failure, is to give up!
2、No arms, no legs, no worries.
3、You‘re gorgeous just the way you are.
4、I want to live like a sculpture!
5、To be thankful, to dream big and never give up!
6、Being patient is beautiful, I tell you, it‘s the hardest thing.
7、You don‘t have to please anyone, you are you!
8、If you fail, then stood up!
9、God in my life will have a plan, through my story give others hope.
10、The meaning of life is put one‘s heart and soul into investment!
11、Courage is not the absence of fear, but fear you have to do!
12、Only one attempt after another, without fail, no loser!
13、Your friends seem to be able to decide who you are and you change your!
14、If someone does not give you the miracle, you‘ll become a miracle.
15、It‘s a lie to think that you are not good enough. It‘s a lie to think that you are not worth anything.
16、You keep on concentrating on the things you wish you had or things you wish you didn‘t have and you sort of forget what you do have.
17、When I‘m seeing in life, there is just a couple key principle, and the first thing is to be thankful. It‘s time to be thankful!
18、A hug is a healing way to let them know how much you love them not to doubt the power of words!
19、Even if my life is the most terrible things, for others still have extraordinary significance.
20、You can‘t give up the dream, but can change direction, because you do not know on the corner of life will encounter what.
21、I may not have hands to hold my wife‘s hand but when the time comes, I‘ll be able to hold her heart, I don‘t need hands to hold her heart.
22、You have the right to choose is to encourage others, or down to others! You have the right to choose closer to your dream, or in short things instead of! You have the right to choose to give up, or to move on!
23、Many people look in the mirror, hopes to have another body, that is not true of you, you just want to become what others expect of. When you say: I got these, I don‘t have those. I will say: how is that? I don‘t care.
24、The tragedy of life is not lost their limbs, but no survival hopes and goals! People often complain about what also do not come, but if we only worry about shoes have or lack of things, and not have to cherish, the fundamental change problem! Real change your fate, not our opportunity, but our attitude.
——人生最可悲的并非失去四肢,而是没有生存希望及目标!人们经常埋怨什么也做不来,但如果我们只记挂着想拥有或欠缺的东西,而不去珍惜所拥有的,那根本改变不了问题!真正改变命运的,并不是我们的机遇,而是我们的态度。(好文章阅读网 www.0149.cn)