Dear Admissions Committee:
Having worked with Mr. Xiao Xiao for three years at ABC Technology, I am very glad to recommend him for [WHAT PROGRAM? WHERE?] As his supervisor, I have enjoyed a close acquaintance with him and, frankly speaking, Mr. Xiao is...
Dear Professor:
This letter of recommendation is for Caleb, a young man I have had the pleasure of knowing for the last20 months. As a professor emeritus, I have come in contact with thousands of college and graduate students. However, Mr. Caleb stands...
Dear Admissions Committee,
I am writing to express my full support for Xiao Xiao, who is applying to graduate school at [name of school]. Though I am currently a visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego, I was Xiao"s supervisor at th...
一封推荐信除了信头、发信日期、收信人姓名、称呼、信尾谦称、签名、推荐人姓名、职务等必需部分之外,正文内容说明应包括下列各项:被推荐者的签名———为便于对方查询,被推荐者的签名仅写“MrWang”或“MissZhang”是不够的。用标准的汉语拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必须由被推荐者自己提供,且前后必须一致。认识被推荐者的时间(Howlonghave you known him /her)——何时开始认...
1,21,2010To Whom It May Concern: This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the NY University since Jun1994(or This letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemist from July1993to ). Mr. Li"s main duties...