
发布时间:2022-12-11 23:27:34

    Dear Sirs,    Many thanks for your price-list of March15.We have now decided to place the enclosed order with you.    We have asked the Bank of HongKong,here to open a credit for @50,000 in your favour and this will remain valid until August31,1985.This credit will be confirmed by The Bank of London and they will accept your draft on them at thirty days after sight for the amount of your invoice.    The following documents should be attached to your draft:    Two Bills of Lading    Three commercial Invoices    One Insurance policy    Our forwarding agent will deal with marking and dispatch shipping instructions.Please inform us by cable as soon as the goods have been shiped.    Yous faithfully,    中文对照    敬启者:    贵方3月15日报价函收悉,谢谢。本公司现在已决定向贵方订购,订单如附件。    本公司已请此地香港银行依贵方意思开出美金50,000元信用证,其有效日期到1985年8月31日。本信用证由伦敦银行确认,他们将接受贵方汇票总额,见票后30日付款。贵方汇票应付文件如下:    提 单(两份)    商业发票(叁份)    保 险 单(壹份)    我方承运代理商将作标志并作装船通知。货品一旦装船完成,敬请来电告知。    ×××敬上
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