
发布时间:2023-01-14 13:17:26

    1. my interest in the advertised position has prompted* me to forward my resume for your review.
   "prompt" 动词, 即 "to move to action" or "incite"

    2. your july23advertisement in51job calls for* an executive secretary with a background rich in a variety of administrative skills, such as mine *
    "calls for" - to require as necessary or appropriate
    例句:"this job calls for a lot of telephone skills";
    "mine" 指的是 "background"

    3. allow me to highlight* my qualifications as they relate to your stated requirements.
    " highlight" 动词 --"to center attention on"

    4. i am confident that my training and experience could be effectively applied to the requirements of the position as described*.
    "as described" 是省略的表达方式, 省略了"as is described"中的 is

    5. i have a strong aptitude* for working with numbers* and extensive experience with computer software applications.
    "aptitude" 即 natural ability or talent;
    "to have an aptitude for numbers" 即"to be good at numbers"

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