我们是学生 (年月日出生)的家长,父亲 (年月日出生),母亲 (年月日出生)。我们同意并委托北京新东方前途出国咨询有限公司带领他参加2011年赴英国夏令营活动,学生在英国的一切事宜由该公司负责。
Letter of Authorization
We are parents of (DOB:), father Mr. (DOB: ); Mother Mrs. (DOB: ). We agree that New Oriental Vision Overseas participates in the Study Tour UK 2011 and authorize Beijing New Oriental Vision Overseas to take care of him during the tour.
父亲 father Mr.
母亲 mother Mrs.
Date 31st Oct. 2011
篇二:代领签证委托书(Letter of Authorization)
本人委托 先生/女士代为领取本人的护照和材料。
(I hereby authorize collect my passport/document, on my behalf.)
代领人身份证号码(ID No.):
申请人姓名(Applicant Name):
申请人护照号码(passport No.):
申请人签名(Signature of Applicant):