
发布时间:2022-01-23 09:14:06

  1、That’s kinda of scary, you could’ve gone away for a week, and when you’ve e home a building has suddenly appeared.
  2、man, the only thing i can think America can get done fast is fast food orders -_-
  我能想到唯一美国人干得快的事儿就是订快餐 -_-
  3、Anyway, we can print money faster than these guys!
  4、everything is possible in Japan
  在日本真是一切皆有可能 ~
  china, dude! china! !
  5、This is why American ranks #1 in confidence, and 28 in academics
  这就是为啥美国人的学术水平只排名 28 ,自信程度倒是排第一。
  6、This is why they are better than us. Our version of construction is 5 guysstanding around and 1 guy working. DAMN IT
  这就是为啥他们比我们强。换我们的版本,工程建设就是5 个人站在一边儿看一个人干活儿。
  7、and we wonder why china is going to rule the world : /
  8、Since you dare not using stuffs made in China, can I have you puter?
  9、Imagine ing home after a 2 day trip and you look out your window like WTF
  10、Evan fast food in America some times still take 15-20 minutes to get your quick that can get done in America is get devorces. Married today maybe devorces next week…..
  在美国就算快餐有时都得等 15-20 分钟才拿得到。在美国能干得快的事儿是离婚。今天刚结也许下礼拜就离了…
  11、A 15-story building /done/ in SIX days?? Wow… just WOW.
  15 层高的建筑 6 天完工??哇靠!。。。除了哇靠真不知该说啥好。
  12、90 Hours? That’s nothing, the Americans can destroy two skyscrapers in just 2hours!
  90 个小时有啥了不起的,美国人两个小时就能毁掉两座摩天大楼!
  13、These guys should have rebuilt World trade center.
  14、That is why you should send your kids to Chinese language lessons!!!
  15、Imagine looking for a hotel room, there is no vacancy, and the receptionist says, “just wait for a few minutes, we will put up another hotel.”
  16、That’s why in 2012 the Chinese build the Ark
  这就是为啥在《 2012 》里诺亚方舟是中国制造。
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