蚬泡清水,待其吐沙,洗净;Keep the clams in fresh water for at least 30 mins to release the sand and wash them thoroughly.

蒜头和洋葱切细粒,以橄榄油炒香;Chop garlic and onion in very fine pieces with a sharp knife. Mix with a generous quantity of olive oil and fry.

炒至金黄色,加入切半之小番茄,煮1-2分钟;Once the mixture is golden, add the cherry tomatoes chopped in half. Fry all together for 1-2 mins.

加入大半杯优质白葡萄酒;Add a generous half glass of good white wine and let it evaporate.

适量加点盐和剁碎的红椒乾,多寡随心所欲;Add salt as needed. Add some crushed red pepper for those who love spicy food. Add some chili or a lot ...at your pleasure.

小番茄煮软,加蚬,盖盖煮数分钟至蚬壳全开,拿掉一些壳;Once the tomatoes look soft, add clams. Cover till all shelves are open. Remove some shelves to reduce volume.

按包装指示时间烹煮,偶尔搅搅,别让它们粘在一起;Cook the pasta in deep salted water (check the time on the packaging). Make sure the pasta is cooked w/o sticking together.

沥干水分,把粉倒进锅内,此时火依然开着;Gently dry the pasta and put it in the pan with the sauce, with fire on.

小心地拌匀粉和汁,撒点干香芹于面;Stir the pasta with the sauce carefully not to drop anything. At the very end, add some parsley (dry parsley is good too).

跟义大利厨师进餐非常讲究,要在厨房上碟,碟边要干净,否则不雅观。哈哈!Pasta is ready ... let’s take a seat at the table. Be generous with the clams and the sauce. Buon appetito!

好满足啊!Hmmm... so perfect!
