混合醃料;Mix all marinades.

洗净脢头肉,混合醃料醃制2小时以上;Marinate the pork shoulder butt for at least 2 hours.

间中用利叉刺肉以求醃制均匀;Pierce constantly with a sharp fork to make sure every bit gets even marination.

盖盖以中小火烹煮,每面煮10分钟;Cook at small to medium heat, 10 mins for each side, covered all the way.

开盖以中火烹煮,每面煮5分钟,直至汁液变稠;Uncover, cook at medium heat, 5 mins for each side, repeatedly, until the sauce becomes sticky.

看起来应该有点焦就对了;When it looks like this, that means well done.

没准备切的留在平底锅里;Keep warm without taking all out.

取出切片;Cut one big portion into thin slices.

味道已经很够,不必再淋上酱汁了。It is already very tasty without the sauce.